MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Yikes!! Star Wars:The Last Jedi's OW Dom...

Yikes!! Star Wars:The Last Jedi's OW Domestic Numbers..

are pushing JL's total domestic run to date! How is that possible?? Didn't some fans state that JL would break $1 Billion? In retrospect I thought JL would gross $1 Billion easily also. What happened to all of the DC fans? Why did they not attend JL faithfully?

Are there not that many loyal fans or were they just fair weather band wagon taunters, braggers and trolls?


To be fair, these types of numbers were expected for the Last Jedi and truth be told...they are quite a steep drop from The Force Awakens Numbers.

In regards to JL it's holding well in the face of stiff competition and will get a sizable holiday bump over the next couple weeks and is still got plenty of play left internationally.

It's a mute point anyways as WB is changing their strategy to red-hot standalone properties like Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Batman and Batgirl. Prestige writers and directors are attached to all of these standalones...James Wan...Patty Jenkins...Matt Reeves...Joss Whedon.

"Yikes" indeed if you are afraid of WB/DC having success.

That's what you call a hot slate of films.


QueenFanUSA wrote:
To be fair, these types of numbers were expected for the Last Jedi and truth be told...they are quite a steep drop from The Force Awakens Numbers. **

So you think WB/DC and Industry analysts fairly expected JL to perform so poorly that the OW numbers would lag that far behind SW? Really? Is that what you meant to say?

You do know that you skipped right over Rogue One which had ~$155 Million OW and picked the highest grossing OW for any Star Wars film to make a negative claim about performance? Shouldn't Last Jedi be compared to Rogue One? And if not why not?

In regards to JL it's holding well in the face of stiff competition and will get a sizable holiday bump over the next couple weeks and is still got plenty of play left internationally.
You have no statistical criteria to support that statement. Poppycock, Coco is not the droid you're looking for and Coco should NOT have knocked JL from 1st place for subsequent weeks.

JL is indeed faltering and it is not from competition. As I stated the DC fans are NOT buying tickets since that very poorly attended OW. As to internationally? Do you know that JL's international box office numbers haven't budged for 2 weeks? And now that SW is here wouldn't JL be squeezed out of more theaters as well as the premium IMAX and 2D screens. Just how will JL get a sizeable bump/jump when it has been stumped at getting an audience? There will be more butts in seats for all of the current movies but they all should get a relative increase and maybe JL will get a second viewing from some. The projections still have JL topping and maxing out at $650 Million. JL has $409,700,000 which is 65.4% of it's WW total. I'm going to book mark this right here and I will see in two weeks if you are just making stuff up. Why not stake a claim to 'sizeable holiday numbers for JL"? $1Mil $5Mil over it's current trend?

T:R may even break your forbidden $850 Million Marvel Fail barrier with that very same X-Mas holiday bump.


It's a moot point anyways as WB is changing their strategy to red-hot standalone properties like Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Batman and Batgirl.

Hmmmm, those films were due to release along with a JL 2, which I believe to be canceled. So this new strategy is nothing more than the existing flawed release schedule with the same focus, rush standalone products into the marketplace as quickly as possible without a coherent structure to support a franchise for any of them. You perceive that release schedule to be bankrolled at $150 Mil per film and garnering $650 Million WW? What makes them "Red-Hot" as stand-alone films?

Prestige writers and directors are attached to all of these standalones...James Wan...Patty Jenkins...Matt Reeves...Joss Whedon.
They are all indeed talented but do you honestly expect Directors to put butts into seats? Whedon was attached to JL, how did that turn out? James Wan's highest grossing film that didn't have cars in it was ~$325 Mil.

Why would I or anyone be afraid of WB/DC having success when you are in abject fear and are terrified of each WB/DC failure? Your constant flipping of narrative states as such. It's okay to be Pollyannaish but you don't have to drag other films/franchises into your bias.

That's what you call a hot slate of films.

Hopefully for you they won't be a Hot-Mess of a Slate of films.


Book Marked: 12/15/2017: $409,700,000

Okay. JL's new International numbers are in and the total has been updated.

Domestic $219,456,347 34.6%
+ Foreign: $414,500,000 65.4%

An additional $4,800,000 has been added.

QueenFanUSA states: In regards to JL it's holding well in the face of stiff competition and will get a sizable holiday bump over the next couple weeks and is still got plenty of play left internationally.

So far that statement is holding as JL marches onwards and upwards to that desired $650 Million dollar almost breakeven total. :-)


"Yikes" indeed if you are afraid of WB/DC having success.

We 're about as afraid of that as we are of Amelia Earhart and Bigfoot riding a unicorn that craps rainbows.

Because that's as likely as WB having success with the DC universe.


" In regards to JL it's holding well in the face of stiff competition and will get a sizable holiday bump over the next couple weeks and is still got plenty of play left internationally."

by "plenty of play left internationally" due you really mean MAYBE another 20 t0 30 MILLION Total? if so then I agree

" It's a mute point anyways as WB is changing their strategy to red-hot standalone properties like Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Batman and Batgirl. Prestige writers and directors are attached to all of these standalones...James Wan...Patty Jenkins...Matt Reeves...Joss Whedon...... That's what you call a hot slate of films."

remember when in the months leading up to JL you constantly claimed "JL was RED HOT coming off the success of Wonder Woman" I do, You said at least a dozen times....everytime anyone would question JLs bx office potential, You would immediately respond with, "Oh no JL is RED HOT right coming off Wonder Woman", then youd proclaim JLs upcoming box office good times, also, if there is literally ONE word that should not be used to describe JL, The DCEU, or its upcoming films...Its "HOT" lol

theres also some pretty MASSIVE problems with your disastrously failed attempt to describe Upcoming DCEU films as HOT

Problem Number #1-Wonder Woman and Aquaman were apart and are now coming out after directly after JL, You know JL the movie that is a certified Train now have 2 solo movies coming out about characters that were featured in a Universally hated film that Under performed and disappointed in every way, you only need to look at recent history to see how this played out...BvS had a similar response, was Hated and Badly Under Performed, JL was then "guilty by association" and disastrously under performed...Is it possible WW2 and Aquaman could break out and get the Stink of JL off, Maybe, But the point is, These films are now at a disadvantage, They are now going to have to disassociate themselves from JL

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they are going to have to WIN AUDIENCES back....these films are going to have to give audiences a reason to see them, which means they are going to actually have to BE GOOD FILMS which gets good reviews for them to succeed....

basically, Calling WW2 and Aquaman HOT coming off JL is literally factual not true...they are the opposite of HOT...They are DAMAGED...

Massive Problem #2 - Matt Reeves Batman....The Batman characters Is Damaged beyond calculation after BvS and JL...before Snyder got a hold of Batman, The character Batman was a Proven Theatrical Billion dollar character, Both TDK and TDKR made over 1 Billion, that cements Batman as A Billion dollar character, the overwhelming Thought going into BvS was by adding Batman, It GUARANTEED BvS to make at least 1 Billion....but It instead took literally one of the worst CBMs of all time and one of the most hated CBMs of all time to come up short, that should tell you the Drawing Power Batman HAD, BvS was Disaster in every way, in had Poisonous Word of mouth, it got awful reviews, it was+still is brutally MOCKED more than in film in history, yet it still made almost 900 Million...this was 100% due to The draw Power of Batman...

But no one truly knew the damage BvS did to the character until Nov. 17th 2017, sure we all knew BvS was a trainwreck, we all knew critic,audiences and even fans Hated the film, We all expected JL to suffer due to BvS's awful reception, We all knew BvS did irreparable Damage to the DCEU and Batman...But NO ONE true knew just how bad that damage was....

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Then we got confirmation on Nov 17th 2017 with JL opening....The damage to The DCEU brand and The character Batman was truly worse than anyone could imagine...Audiences just straight ABANDONED The DCEU and BATMAN after BvS....

Batman went from a proven 160 Million dollar Opener and 1 Billion dollar + earner......To A Sub 100 Million dollar Opener and 650 Million dollar again THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF HOT....this is COLD boarding on DEAD....

to call A Matt reeves Batman film HOT, coming off BvS and JL is simply not based on facts(again lets just look at recent history)Batman and Robin was similarly hated to BvS and JL...Audiences,critics and even fans Hated B+R the way they hated BvS and JL...Audiences were JUST OUT after B+R, and what happened next? WB released A Universally Praised and Great Film in Batman begins, but how did that film do? not very well, and the reason why was The damage was done, B+R was so bad and so hated, WB had to Win Audiences trust back, They had to make several good Batman movies to get audiences Back...

A Matt reeves Batman movie is now in either the exact same Position or a worse Position....The Batman character is Horrifically damaged, Its going to take several GOOD Batman movies to get audiences back and for These Batman films to Maybe Perform to their potential....

Batman is always going to be a earner, but The box office Potential for a Batman film is DEAD for at least The next Batman Movie, Matt Reeves batman movie could be good to great and its not going to reach its potential, now Maybe the 2nd or 3rd film MIGHT REACH that potential, but the facts are BvS and JL damaged the character, Matt Reeves Batman Is Damaged... NOT HOT, Matt Reeves Batman if everything going perfectly, If the movie is great, if they cast the perfect actor in the role, Is going to be LIMITED box office wise due to horrific damage BvS and JL has done to the character.

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Whedons Batgirl....Its literally like you either went back in time or are Living in a delusional fantasy world....

Ya A Whedon Batgirl movie could have been described as "HOT" in 2012 coming of The Avengers....but were in 2017, where Whedon is coming off Age Of Ultron that was A clear step down from The Avengers and A Whedon who just shit the bed with JL....I mean you have the CORE fanbase that will be SEEING A Batgirl film Hating Whedon...

Who is gonna see A Batgirl movie? DC fans, DCEU fans....and those are the exact people Ripping Whedon apart for what he did with JL, Those are the exact people making Petitions for A Snyder cut....

Calling Whedon "HOT" right now can only be explained in 2 ways, either your just delusional due to being a hardcore DC fan, or You are simply dumb and just dont understand facts...

Whedon was "HOT" in 2012...not now.

Theres also an argument to be made Whedon's style has just wore out, Theres a reason why this man hasn't really done anything in the last 5 years, The Avengers was about as big of a success as you can get, Why hasnt major studios been knocking the door to get him on big movies....the answer is, AOU wasnt that good, His Jokes and style didnt really work in the sequel, With JL damn near everything he did fell flat or was a direct reuse of jokes from The 2 Avengers movies...

If Whedon was HOT like your claiming, He probably would have never even came back for AOU, he would have been lured away by another Major studio, If Whedon was HOT, He certainly would have gotten A major directing gig for the some upcoming huge movie after AOU...Instead he agreed to A NO WIN Situation taking over directing someone elses film...

lol ....saying Whedon is HOT, Is False
Saying A Potential Batgirl Movie is HOT, is false
putting them together and saying "Whedon's Batgirl is HOT" Is ESPECIALLY False....

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could a Whedon Batgirl film succeed, sure, could Whedon do a good job, sure....but you attempting to Lie and exaggerate and making it seem like this is some greatly anticipated sure fire huge hit, It just not factual and CHILDISH....

A Whedon Batgirl film could succeed, But Its going to actual have to be a good movie, Its good to have to get good reviews, and WB is going to have to market right....Its basically Just a regular Upcoming film With Potential....NOT HOT, NOT COLD, Not anything....

"Yikes" indeed if you are afraid of WB/DC having success."

yes we should all be afraid, would will be do after Juggernauts like BvS and JL....The future is doomed...

seriously We heard these exact claims in 2013 when BvS and JL were announced, DC fans claimed, The DCEU would dominate the genre, that Marvel Studios wouldnt be able to compete against DCEU films and that The success Of BvS and JL would easily beat The Avengers films...

lol none of that came true....and based on the history of The DCEU, future success for the DCEU is likely not to come true either....

Could The future DCEU films succeed , sure....does that means Marvel Fans should be Afraid? ...

NO would just mean BOTH The MCU and DCEU are BOTH succeeding...

thats the problem with you DCEU fans, You so jealous and angry about the success of the MCU,,,its always got to be "The end is coming" or "you should be afraid"

Most Marvel Fans have no problems With The DCEU succeeding...I remember back in 2013, when DC fans went on their epic trolling rampage, DC fans constantly claimed with the announcement of The DCEU and BvS and JL, Marvel Studios and The MCU are now going to flop and shut down....

for DC fans it Had to be "Were going to beat you"..this of course is due to the jealousy and anger they have from having to watch Dozens of MCU films succeed...

But for Marvel Fans, Believe it or not, during this time, The Majority did not argue that The DCEU would NOT Have Success....

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Myself and most other Marvel Fans, Had no problem admitting that The DCEU films would succeed and that BvS and JL had Avengers type box office potential...Instead would we argued is "Just because the DCEU succeeds doesn't mean The MCU is going to die or films will start flopping"

lol We were perfectly with Both the DCEU and MCU succeeding...but DCEU fans weren't, It had to be DC....DC fans couldnt be happy with The DCEU and MCU BOTH Succeeding, No it had to be that The DCEU films were going to succeed so much it was going to be the end of the MCU films...

and you are no different queen, you can sit at your computer all you want and living in a fantasy world where Marvel Fans should be Afraid of DCs upcoming HOT slate....But the facts are.

you only think like this due to extreme jealously and simply cant be happy with "Just getting Good and successful DCEU films" Instead due to having to watch the Incredible success the MCU films have had while at the same time having to watch DC films lose and fail....your now at a state were your simply delusional...You truly are living in a fantasy world, where despite 4 out 5 DCEU films being Awful and Disappointing, You living in a world where The DCEU films are RED HOT and Marvel Fans should be AFRAID....

lol You saying THe Upcoming DCEU slate is HOT....again can only be explained in 2 ways, either your just delusional and dont live in reality .....or what I fear is true and You are a CHILD and just arent smart enough to understand what is going on....

there is such a thing as "HOT" in the film industry....specifcally when talking about franchises....

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for example, there are 2 really great examples going on right now....The Star Wars Franchise and The MCU franchise(Or in the 2000's With WB and The Harry Potter Franchise)

These franchises and upcoming films truely are "RED HOT"....and the reason they are RED HOT, Is because they are coming off Films that were Universal successes, That got Great reviews, had Great box office results, PLeased Fans,Audiences and critics

for example, it is actuate and factual to say The Upcoming Star War slate is RED HOT....The Last Jedi, SOLO and Episode 9 are RED HOT and they are RED HOT due to the incredible success of The Force Awakens

It is actuate and factual to say The Upcoming slate of MCU films are RED HOT....and They are red hot because of The Incredible success of all 17 MCU films but Most importantly The GREAT success of the most recent MCU films...The last 5 MCU film have been simply as successful and Satisfying as you can get...Civil War(1.150 B, 90%+ RT), Doctor Strange(650 M, 90%+ RT), GOTG2(870 Million, 82% RT), Spider-Man HC(880 Million, 90%+ RT), Thor Ragnarok(850 Million, (90%+ RT)

5 for 5, not just okay, But Universally Praise, Incredible box office, Pleased Audiences,Fans +Critics, In every single way the last 5 MCU films have Been Grand slams...This was what EARNS RED HOT

it is factual to say based on these results, The upcoming MCU films slate is RED HOT...Black Panther, Avengers IW, Ant-Man and The Wasp, Captain Marvel, Avengers 4, These films truly are RED HOT....

lol MOS, BvS, Suicide Squad, WW and JL, a slate of film that truly only resulted in Disappointment, Damage and Shame, and Yet here you are queen living in a fantasy world where the upcoming DCEU film slate is RED HOT

dear god I hope you are a CHILD(even though I'll feel bad for bullying you, at this point, for your sake, I hope you are just a young, immature child who just doesnt know any better) because If you arent if you really are an adult acting this way................."WOW MIND BLOWN"


It's a mute point? If you're saying this because you don't want to hear what everyone else is saying or because no one is listening to the fantasy you and WB are pushing, I'd agree it's pretty mute. Either way, it's a moot point given the box office returns.


Book Marked: 12/15/2017: $409,700,000

Okay. JL's new International numbers are in and the total has been updated.

Domestic $219,456,347 34.6%
+ Foreign: $414,500,000 65.4%

An additional $4,800,000 had been added.

As of 12/24/2017 for Justice League:

+ Foreign:..........$424,000,000..........65.6%

= Worldwide:.....$646,678,455

An additional $10 Million International Dollars have been added.

QueenFanUSA stated: In regards to JL it's holding well in the face of stiff competition and will get a sizable holiday bump over the next couple weeks and is still got plenty of play left internationally.

So far that statement (plenty of play left Internationally) is holding surprisingly true as JL marches onwards and upwards to that desired $650 Million dollar allegedly almost breakeven total. :-)

For this point QueenFanUSA guessed correctly given the length of time JL has been in the marketplace which was and is a full two weeks after T:R.


Thank you, norrinrad!

Merry Christmas!



In other news, damn... TLJ dragged as hell.
