MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Wow! Pops on Tuesday with $10.6 million...

Wow! Pops on Tuesday with $10.6 million...

...heading to a $60 million second weekend weekend according to Deadline.


Still less than Thor 3 the same Tuesday (5th day) and without schools on holiday break for Thor. Also, Deadline talked about 60 million for the next five days not the weekend, so stop spreading lies.


lol. I have to give you credit for "hope".


Help us Twisty Kenobi, you are our only hope!




What does that S stand for?

It stands for hope.

Really? I thought it stood for shinola since that's what you spread.




There is typically a rise in Tuesday box office because of $5 deals across the country


again I just to to make clear, I get what your doing queen....your posts are no longer being serious, Your just making them out of spite your mind you believe your "winning" by continuing to post Positive articles despite being in a no win extremely negative situation.

I know you sat at your computer early Friday with "Great hope" when you thought the numbers would come in at 150 Million and instead you sat there in disbelief when they came at 105 that point I know the thought finally Popped in to your head "Oh God its happening, It really is bombing" you then had to sit and think to yourself "what do I do"...and at that point you probably didnt know what to do, I also think your complete lack of Knowledge and understanding of box office played a big role here too, I dont think you truly understood what was happening at that point, because for some ODD and inexcusable reason you still insisted JL was gonna come in Higher than Suicide Squad when The Matinee numbers came the only way you coud possible think such an Absurd thought is if you literally have no understanding of box honestly expect A film to JUMP 30 to 35 Million between early Friday and Matinee numbers is simply something ONLY a child or an Idiot would expect(this is why I've asked you several times how old you are)...Your behavior and Absurd predictions can only be explained If your just a complete Idiot or simply a child that doesnt know any better...

continues in next post


but anyways somewhere around when The Matinee numbers starting coming thats when reality finally hit you...and at that point, you finally went from "not really knowing what to do" just plain "intentionally Trolling" Once you finally realized JL would going to finish around 100 to 105 Million, You then realized It was over and There was no way to this point you had to of sat in silence for a little bit and thought "dear god what do I do, Do I just give up, I can't defend or spin these numbers, The Haters won..." you of course then became very angry, You couldnt just give up, you couldnt walk away....So You then came up with the plan to Just continue posting No matter what, that no matter how bad or dire the situation is you would continue to make these absurd posts, You basically choose to "One Up" The Haters your mind you feel its a better opinion to just continuing making posts out of Spite rather than to tuck your tale and run away....

so now here we are, at this odd point where hilariously despite Every single day JLs numbers come in more disastrous than expected and You embarrassingly immediately make a post claiming its Positive....

lol just to recap this odd time....

early friday, early numbers come in reporting JL is coming in disastrously low at around 105 M.....You then make A Post of out Spite claiming "A Bump is coming with the matinee numbers that Will leave Posters NOT Pleased"

a few hours later, the matinee numbers come in and reveals the Unthinkable is happening JL is coming in under 100 Million...Here comes Queen With A Post claiming "JL Will have A Great Bump from Saturdays box office due to Great Word of Mouth"

Of course Saturdays numbers come in, reveal JL is going to make 96 Million On Opening weekend....revealing not only did JL NOT have a Saturday BUMP but it had A Massive DECREASE...heres comes queen with A Spite thread claiming JL is RED HOT overseas so All is Well

contiiinues on next reply


Next comes Sunday, First its reveal JL came in even lower than was expected at 93 instead of 96 M....Hilariously here comes your most painful spite you make a post claiming "Hey guys good new, JL is gonna have a NICE Lift next weekend due to thanksgiving, so dont worry about JL doing the impossible and failing to make even 100 Million on OW"

but by far the best part about this particular Spite Thread was your Reasoning for Why JL was gonna have a nice lift next weekend during you actually claiming JL would have A nice lift because of all the positive this of course is hilarious because With Those Sunday numbers also came JLs cinemascore, which is the one and ONLY true way to judge a films annnnnnnd what do you know JL got a "B+" cinemascore...that is the same score as Baywatch,Fifty Shades Darker and WORSE than Power Rangers....

lol then we get yesterday, Mondays box office is reported and Once again JL has a way above average drop....JL had the biggest Sunday to Monday drop in over a decade for films coming at before A DECADE...Of course at this point your running out of "You just wait, The BUMPS are coming" ideas , so here comes a truly desperate act now you make An Anti-Marvel Thread solely out of Spite pointing out Thor 3 had a big drop....the hilarious part is...The thread literally does nothing to help JL, Nothing to suggest JL is doing better....The only point of the thread is to I guess Point out "Okay JL is doing awful but hey Thor 3 didn't do well, so Now I'm happy"

Its clear at this point YOU ARE truly can't except whats happening With JL and instead of simply taking the loss like a man you've choosen to go FULL RETARD and Relentlessly Troll....but I do question, is there any point where you'll If Next weekend if JL has a below 50% drop(which is extremely rare for Thankgiving) is there any point where you just simply say okay, its over....

next reply


If in 1 month from now if JL is sitting at 575 Million and its bringing in like 15 to 20 World Wide and its clear JL is gonna finish around 600 to 625 Million, Will you just finally except it and give up or Will you continue making Spite threads to make yourself feel better, Will we be getting "lol Just went back and looked Captain America 1 had a HUGE 5th weekend Drop how embarrassing" threads

basically is there any point where SHAME kicks in for you....

I mean you do realize what you did 2 days ago right....You Literally created an Anti-Marvel Spite thread for no other reason than You wanted to make yourself feel better because you knew you couldn't defend Jl...

thats truly the depths you sank to....It became IMPOSSIBLE for you to defend JL, there truly just wasn't 1 single way to positively spin JLs box office, so out of angry,shame and desperation, You just said "Fuck it....Umm Marvel did bad too....Yep I feel better"

lol Pointing out Thor 3 had a big drop....does not 1 damn thing to help or defend JL...The ONLY purpose to bring in up is because your so angry and upset about JL YOU got to do something to make yourself feel better.

you need Help


Somebody has a lot of free time.


...heading to a $60 million second weekend weekend according to Deadline.


JL actually heading for ONLY a 44 Million dollar weekend and WAY above normal 53% drop, Talk about disaster, lol wheres that Great WOM Queen?

Just to further point out how truly AWFUL that is, Heres last years results

2016-Fantastic Beasts-Had 39% Drop during its 2nd weekend(AKA during Thanksgiving)

lol JL just straight DYING.

and to make matters even worse, COCO is destroying JL this weekend, but the real bad news is....COCO got the extremely rare "A+" cinemascore....which Means Audiences Truly loved the film, and Word of Mouth will be fantastic which will then result in Great Holds badly cutting into JLs box office.

Oh lol , Just noticed this message you posted

"Nope...I don't like the DCEU at all(except Wonder Woman). I loved Thor Ragnarok, but it is quite alarming the drop that it suffered this weekend. The LARGEST third weekend drop in MCU history! I'm afraid $300 million domestic is out of grasp now."

once again I say LEARN box office...

Thor 3 Will be at 278 after this weekend...Which will easily result in Thor 3 ending its run over 300 Million...

I'm serious this point the ONLY way for you to win is to simply not reply or post anymore...You are So awful at box office, you honestly can't post a single thing without it backfiring.

you know whats next right?

lol you desperately started making threads pointing out and making fun of Thor 3 for having a 62% 3rd week drop...But at no point did you stop to think "wait, is this a good idea, what If JL has a 62%+ 3rd week drop"

lol thats right, your desperate Thor 3 thread is about to backfire like everything else you said, Here you are relentlessly making fun of Thor 3 for having a 62% 3rd week drop, and its very possible JL Will have an even bigger 3rd week drop.

but seriously though, what happened to that Great WOM? according to you JL was supposed to Hold Great this weekend , Not have Above normal DROPS


1) I never "made fun" of Ragnarok...I was alarmed at how fast it was fading and thought it was worth posting.

2) Your post is full of assumptions and projections stated as fact. Let's wait for this weekend to actually happen before we talk about "54% drops" shall we?

3) Using the weekend after Thanksgiving as comparable to Thor's third weekend is intrinsically unfair. Thor's MCU- record-breaking, third weekend drop did not follow a holiday.


4) Even if Coco does as well as you seem to think it will, it won't be "eating into" Justice League. They appeal to different audiences and can both thrive alongside one another.


5) For someone that seems to think they know so much about box office you sure seem to not know what's going to happen to Thor at the box office. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and work with your 278 mil by the end of this weekend. You say 300 mil is a lock. you know how much the box office DRIES UP post-Thanksgiving? Do you also realize that THOR is going to be losing tons of screens from here on?

Good luck with that 300 million. Lol


I'm still waiting for the JL's 3rd week.

There's a pretty good chance that people will se Thor after JL. And having Starwars happening is also good for it. 2 good franchises running at the same time? Wonderful

"what are you doing this afternoon?"
"Thought about watching JL"
"nah dude, crappy movie. Let's get a looksy at the new StarWars"
"yeah, m'kay"
"and afterwards we can check the Thor one. I heard is pretty good."
"yeah I'm down for that"


Given how much time it has left in theaters and with the expected haul from this weekend it will probably pass 300 mil. Thor 2 a much worse film made about 20 million more after its 4th weekend and so did Thor 1. Both considerably less liked films than this current film. A more recent comparable is spider-man which made 40 mil after its 4th week. Dr Strange released around this time last year made about 25 mil after 4th weekend. I won't guarantee 300 Mil but its more likely than not.


Fair enough...we shall see. I hope it does.
