MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Why the Ending Made No Sense at All

Why the Ending Made No Sense at All

If Dany was such a "bad" ruler then why doesn't Jon just marry her and steer the Kingdom in to "good" direction? She has made quite clear she desperately wants him to marry her. But he can't do that because it is "wrong" to marry an Aunt even though it has been societally accepted for people in his family to marry their own SIBLINGS for centuries now (siblings share 50% of DNA while aunt/uncles only share 25%). So he won't break that "taboo" even though it isn't even a taboo at all for people with his last name and what he decides to do instead is to MURDER her and commit the crime of Kinslaying- which is the most heinous taboo a person can commit in his society and which there is exception for people of Targaryen blood. Worse, we are supposed to believe he is genuinely in love with Dany. How does this make any sense at all?


It made no sense from a lot of angles, not just with them. The show dangled storylines and developed characters and their relationships out until the last episode then just scribbled out their demise in 30 seconds in the finale. It was lazy storytelling.

When I was 7 yo, I made up a ghost story at a rainy recess that had all my classmates riveted. It was going great as I was telling it, and I was loving all the attention. But then it hit me. I had no clue where this story was going. These kids were expecting a grand finale but I had nothing. So finally I bailed and said, “and then they woke up and it was all a dream”. Those kids hated me. I went from hero to zero. But I was 7.


There were many stupid storylines (like Littlefinger hanging out at Winterfell for no reason whatsoever and then trying to turn Sansa against Arya for no reason whatsoever all apparently so they could just kill him off in some stupid dramatic way) but the Jon/Dany thing was just inexcusable because it was the most important storyline of the entire show and the grand finale of the entire story and it just made no sense whatsoever.

I mean, just the why he doesn't marry her made no sense even on its own. They never had an Aunt/Nephew relationship, they are the same age, they supposedly love each other, and she claims she is magically prevented from having children so there isn't even an incest baby risk. And though Jon may genuinely believe she's his Aunt, it isn't like the general public is going to believe that cockamamie story that melds what would be one of the most geopolitically favorable marriages Dany could make in to traditional Targaryen mythology and increases the legitimacy of the incoming regime. The public would assume it is all b.s. So why not do it even if the alternative were just walking away?

But of course the alternative the writers present Jon is not marry her or walk away which would be inexplicable enough but rather to marry her or MURDER HER IN COLD BLOOD! Jon's decision in the finale is more psychotic than anything Ramsay Bolton ever did. Just insane. And there is never any explanation.


She did slaughter an entire city so there’s that.


What made even less sense to the ending, is Sansa telling Bran that the North will remain their own separate kingdom because Northerners will never kneel to another ruler. Then they turn around and crown her Queen and kneel to her. I still maintain Bran should have told Sansa to shove it, and if she didn't like it, she would be seeing his army soon.


The character of Bran was less than useful.

It was supposed to be a feel-good narrative for the boy that got shoved in season 1 and lost the use of his legs.

How utterly disappointing.


If he realized she'd gone batshit, and he wanted to fix everything himself, he COULD have married her, killed her, and claimed the throne as her husband and biological next of kin!

Because once you take the throne, everything you do is legal, even retroactively. But Jon isn't bright enough for that kind of advanced Machiavellianism.


Just pretend the show stopped after Season 4 and everything becomes good again.


I remember how great the theories were, especially in the north with Stannis, the Pink Letter, the Great Northern Conspiracy, etc.
