Se8 Ep3 questions

I’m late to the party with GoT but loving it. Things are rushing to a head now because, for some reason, the producers are in a hurry to seal off this goldmine.

Anyway, I was somewhat disappointed with this ‘epic battle’ which was difficult to see bc it was too dark, and the fights were confusing. Night walkers would pile onto someone who would still be alive a few scenes later (I’m looking at you, Sam).

My main question is: why didn’t Dany and Jon start the battle by laying waste to the Deadites with their two dragons, then let the soldiers pick off the rest? Instead, they joined the party late, for some reason, then got caught in a snow storm - was that caused by the Night King? Even if it was, surely they knew roughly where the enemy horde was and could have blasted fire in their general direction, roasting them and simultaneously illuminating everything?

Secondly, how did Arya’s dagger kill the Night King? It wasn’t made from dragon-glass, was it..?


The dagger is made of Valyrian steel.


And that kills Night Walkers? When was that explained?


More than a few times throughout the series


The first time was in the battle at Hardhome -- Jon picks up Long Claw in a last ditch effort to defend himself against one of the White Walkers, and discovers it is effective against him. He later uses it in Season 7 against another White Walker when he and the A team go north of the Wall to bring back one of the zombies.


Ah OK thanks.


White Walkers, not Night Walkers.


Cool story.


Regarding how dark it was the response was that it wasn't how they shot the episode it was your television that was at fault. You need to set it to "cinema mode" in the settings. I did this and it does help.

There were so many things wrong with this episode and they have been discussed here before. If you search the thread titles you will probably find a few about it.

As for Arya's dagger it was made of Valyrian steel which was deadly to the White Walkers and Night King.


Well my TV is calibrated for the best presentation of blu rays and UHD. All films look amazing except on the very rare occasions that a disc has been poorly encoded or, as in this case, badly lit and graded. Everything else in GoT looked crystal clear.

Thanks for the info about the dagger.


I think the enemy horde was too big?

Deadites: good label!!!


The word comes from the series Ashe Versus Evil Dead. The OP did not coin it.


It’s fine to have a big horde, but why didn’t the dragons lay waste to it first and then have your soldiers pick off the remains??


I guess the idea was that if Daenerys and Jon could kill the Night King it would be game over so he was their number one priority. As soon as the Night King appeared they both went after him.


Well then roast the horde THEN if he’s still alive go find him. Simples.
