MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > *SPOILERS* Why would I watch the rest?

*SPOILERS* Why would I watch the rest?

Am I supposed to actually watch the remaining 3 episodes? What for? Fighting over the Iron Throne again? How am I supposed to care about that at this point? The white walkers were in the first scene of the first episode, before the titles, and they won't even be in the last 3 episodes? How does that make sense? They didn't even make it beyond Winterfell, just a short stroll from the Wall and only 3 episodes after they broke through. No lasting damage to the realm, no Long Night, winter came and ended, blink and you'll miss it. And now we're back to politicking which the whole POINT of the white walker threat was they weren't supposed to be doing in the first place.
7 seasons of buildup just to be immediately defeated as soon as they broke through. It's like they deliberately sabotaged this story. Episode 3 was the series finale as far as I'm concerned, I won't watch the rest.


A) Yes you will. You know you will.
B) So you never found the quest and wars for the Iron Throne interesting?
C) How sure are you that we're done with white walkers and the Long Night?


A) Maybe at some point, months or years from now, but the stakes are gone and I really don't care about Daenerys/Jon taking the throne(even if they end up destroying it because "no one should have that power", seen endings like that many times before).
B) The wars were interesting but I never wanted anyone to become king/queen and I did watch with the impression(given to me BY the show) that their squabbling was a distraction,the real threat was the WWs and when they broke through the wall they'd all face the consequences.
C) they went kablooey


Logically, what were you expecting or hoping for?

For The White Walkers to make it all the way to Kings Landing?

That means everyone at Winterfell would have to die.


YES! That is exactly what I was hoping for. The NK should have made it to the far south before being defeated, if at all.

It is war, the war to end all wars. MANY, MANY more important people should have died.


yup, they should've taken over Westeros and made the iron throne and politics irrelevant, instead they just did some vandalism in the north for a couple of days.


Actually, I brought that up as an interesting option: [spoiler] If the Night's King hadn't been able to overwhelm Winterfell as quickly as he did, he could have left ten or twenty thousand wights to besiege Winterfell while he marched on King's Landing.[/spoiler] Wouldn't that have been fun?

Quite frankly, I was a bit disappointed with the denoument of this episode. [spoiler] I was really hoping they wouldn't do the old "Kill the head vampire and the rest of the vampires all die" thing, but they did.[/spoiler] The only surprise was who provided the coupe de grace. I was kind of hoping Bran would do something to justify all his screentime, like become the new Night's King or something, but no.


That would be more fun than what happened in episode 3.



That's literally what everyone was expecting. I assumed that jon and his family would sail off on a dragon with dany to kings landing in Hope's of convincing Cersei to fight. The vision dany had of the icy throne room in season 2 makes no sense now. This doesn't feel at all like game of thrones.


I want to see if Dani can claim the throne and break the wheel. It would also be satisfying to see Cersei get her comeuppance. It does appear that the white walkers have been defeated but Freddy Krueger and Jason Vorhees have come back from the dead way too many times.


I'm not surprised. Remember the prophesy that the witch gave Cersei? That she would be usurped by another queen. The white walkers were in this story to show how destined "Fire & Ice" are in taking over the Iron throne.

I will say that I was expecting the "great war" take place 2 or 3 episodes before the series finale. Having it this early feels a bit anti-climatic.


I'll still watch but I kind of feel the same. I never understood why people find the race for the Iron Throne so appealing when characters have been sitting and ruling on it all this time anyway. The white walkers have always interested me more and I think that threat should have been more respected.


I know man. I'm devastated. I was so pissed off after last night's episode. All that slow buildup over 7 years, all that foreshadowing, all that prophesizing, all that time Jon, Bran, Sam etc spent training and preparing for this very moment, all of it wasted in favor of cheap thrills and fan service BS. They pretty much singlehandedly ruined the show. I don't see much point in continuing.

And it's not just the fact that they killed the Night King so early and anticlimactically, but just how bad the episode was in general, not just with writing but in the production too, which I would have thought for sure would be the one thing that is solid, as it always has been. But no, despite having the guy who gave us Hardhome and BotB, a much shorter season AKA more attention for each episode, a bigger budget, and an extra year to get it made, they somehow could not pull it off and what we got was a very poorly filmed and edited mess. I don't understand where all this time and money went.


Now don't get me wrong, this episode gave us some very great moments and visuals, but a lot of nonsensical ones too. For example, the start was really done well. The quiet suspense while everyone waits in fear, Melisandre's awesome entrance, the flaming sickles and the Dothraki charge, and their lights being extinguishes, all very well done.

Showing the greatest warriors of the world being so easily slaughtered really gave a great sense of hopelessness of what was about (at least we though so at the time) to come. And then perhaps one of the most chilling images in cinema/TV history happened. The army of the dead charging forward as a tsunami of countless wights filled our screen and seemingly obliterated all our heroes who were stationed in the front lines.

That was it. Jaime, Brienne, Sam, Tormund, and Podrick were all surely dead. But no.... they all survive somehow except for Edd. After the initial attack, they really failed big time with showing the scale of the army of the dead. Pretty much every time we see the heroes fighting wights after that, they are in smaller groups. There's supposed to be an impossible amount of wights, that's the whole point. They are meant to be vastly outnumbered and an unwinnable fight. And then whenever a character is surrounded by wights in what looks like an impossible situation to escape from, they cut away to something else and then come back, with the amount of wights much smaller. They basically did this whenever there wasn't some other deus ex machina dragon save at the last moment in order to save a hero. Time and time again, throughout the rest of the episode, until right near the end we lose Jorah. Absolutely ridiculous. Ahh it was just so badly done.



That's the difference between now and when the books were the main source. If this were in the books I don't think there'd be hesitation in killing off some of the main characters. Since they went off the books it's all become a bit more cliched and restrained. Even Lyanna would have just been stomped on by that giant but instead the writing today means the giant picks her up for some reason and gives her a chance to stab him in the eye.


And then we have that godawful sequence of Arya sneaking through the castle. I was confused as hell when this started, wondering where the battle was and questioning whether I had been missing a big chunk of the episode. But nope, one second she's outside fighting off some wights, struggling and then the next she's indoors sneaking around the library. Which for some reason is dead quiet, with maybe the sound of a slight breeze or snowfall outside. WTF? There is a damn battle raging outside... it should be loud as HELL, even indoors. There should be screams of pain, dragonfire blazing and swords clashing. How something like this could go through editing and sound mixing without anyone picking up on this or questioning it just baffles me.


Just a nitpick: A castle like Winterfell was typically built with extremely thick stone outer walls, like four-six feet of solid stone, and had very small windows. The windows were small because they didn't have glass in those days and windows just let the cold in, and they were a weakness in case of assault. So that adds up to a building that would block sound from outside REALLY effectively.

Another nitpick is that the library was unrealistically large, nobody had many thousands of books before the invention of the printing press! Except maybe the Maesters.
