MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Remember back when people thought Winds ...

Remember back when people thought Winds of Winter would be published in 2015 or 2016?

It's now been over three years since he missed the original deadlines he publicly set, three years First Halloween 2015 and the New Years. He was telling fans in the Autumn of 2015 that he would be done by the end of the year. And he's still writing. What a con man. Lazy lying fat ass.


I don't think he's lazy. He stays busy enough with other projects to avoid that charge.

He actually spoke recently about what the hold up is:

I believe him. I think the weight of expectations have acted as a creative block for him.

Still though, of course I understand why fans are frustrated.


How can you tell the fans throughout the entire Autumn of 2015 that you'll be done by New Years, miss the deadline and still be writing three years later unless you were deceiving people?


I do video editing and I'll often establish a date to be done by, and then find myself still working on those projects long after I expected I'd be finished. The creative energy can just refuse to flow.

It seems clear to me that he feels a lot of pressure to finish the book, and that pressure is leading to procrastination because he's having a hard time dealing with it. It's very possible too that he just doesn't know how to proceed with a tale that, from what he says, sounds quite complex and complicated.

He should do all he can to just buckle down and finish it, but I have some sympathy for him.


I think it's more of a matter of wrapping up like 20 different major characters and then another 40 side characters into a nice package with as few or little plot holes as possible.

The first book is always the easiest, and then each book afterwards becomes tougher to write as you have more different characters to write about, their histories, their perspectives, and each character has to remain true to how they were originally written. It's a tough as heck job and I'm glad I don't have to do it.

What he can do is stop with all these other side projects and focus 100% on the Winds. This is what we want. Then we want A Dream of Spring, and the true finale to the Song of Ice & Fire.


He's said A Dream of Spring will be at least twice as long as The Winds of Winter. Anyone who thinks that book will ever be finished before he dies is crazy. He already had hundreds of pages left over for Winds of Winter and it still has no publishing date.


he writes for himself and for a living. If he doesn’t want to, that’s his business. That’s like you quitting your job at Jagoffs r us, and me, a stranger, feeling personally inconvenienced over it.


He writes for money. He lied to people for years about finishing the book. He's a fat lazy POS. Just acknowledge it.


He’s a man that made a killing and, perhaps would rather do something else with his time. Frankly, it’s odd how hostile you are over it. Plenty of great books man. It’s nothing to spew poison over.


He's probably sick to death of these characters and wants nothing more to do with them. He's a multi-millionaire now and does not have to make more money. People who abuse him for not finishing the series are ungrateful brats.
