MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > If you could greenlight ANY GoT spinoff ...

If you could greenlight ANY GoT spinoff series, what would it be?

Mine would be a Game of Thrones twist on The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, with Bronn taking the Eastwood part (The Good), The Hound in the Eli Wallach part (The Ugly) and Karl Tanner in the Lee Van Cleef part (The Bad). It could also be new characters but very similar to those GoT characters, as Tanner is dead and the others are occupied in the current storyline.

The three of them would be on a treasure hunt against the backdrop of an epic war in Westeros. Each would have a vital part of the secret location of the treasure. Their paths would cross-cross, sometimes a couple of them would be forced to cooperate for a short time, other times they would be at odds. Characters from the main series could guest star in episodes.


I would like Roberts Rebellion but i think they have said that would not happen


I'd want to do some sort of prequel involving Old Valeria, a society based on fire-magic and dragons. Of course they don't seem like terribly nice people, although they must have been pretty spectacular, so my hypothetical series would have to have someone who opposed the rule of the dragon riders. I could work in all sorts of fire-vs-ice stuff and Valerian Royals whose feuds involves dragons and maybe the Old Gods vs the Red God,, and show the Targaryan as minor nobles with ambitions. That sort of thing.

Which I do wish they'd do instead of another story about a Long Winter! It's such a rehash, and frankly, the Others aren't the strongest part of the show. Why not get some new villains, some inhuman fire spirits or something!


Valyrian Doom was one of the ideas being developed. They could still move forward with it, but probably not anytime soon.


Tales of Tyrian.


Someone once suggested that the spin-off consist of Tyrion and Bronn just sitting around drinking and being themselves, with Jamie and Varys wandering in every now and then to exchange bitchery. Who wouldn't watch that?

Hell, HBO should make a "Talking Dead" style commentary show, with exactly that format!


I'd like to see a sitcom set at the Inn of the Crossroad.


Arya and The Hounds Misadventures.


Since we've dwindled down to basically the younger generations, I might have liked to see the older characters in their youths and how they went from poverty to power, and the higher ups that they served.


Life of Gendri
He rows for 10 episodes straight
