Sam Tarly

Now that his father and brother are dead does that make him now Lord Tarly?


I think so. I don't believe he has any other brothers. And his mother and sister seemed to like him well enough, so I doubt they'd contest it. Only thing is, Sam doesn't know yet.


Great point. I never thought of this. If he survives at the end, which I think he will, he can have his happy ending with Gilly.


I can only assume the kingdoms are still following the old Nights Watch rules...'i shall hold no titles nor lands...etc'
If thats the case then no way
However, im sure we all expect a huge shake up in the order of things any time, maybe after the wars are done AND if he survives (which i suspect and hope he will...)
Good old Sammy could get a sweet castle to put his cute Gilly in after all!


For several years now, I've been saying that at the grande finale or slightly before it, the Wall will be destroyed and the Night's Watch will be destroyed or disband.

Which would leave Sam fro go home, claim his inheritance, marry Gilly, and write the Song of Ice and Fire. Because Sam and Gilly are going to survive and live happily ever after, even if they're the last two living humans in Westeros and have to repopulate the continent themselves. That's been clear since season 2.


i feel the same...
But those are all fan-speculations ive keyed in on and nothing ive sorted out by myself
I feell like most of our 'heroes/antiheroes' wil die in whats to come
But Sam seems to be the official GRRM avatar and history writer i et he makes it out in one piece along with Gilly


Some fan speculations are a lot more probable than others, and I'd put real money on Sam and Gilly becoming Lord and Lady Tarly at the end.

And for that to happen the Night's Watch has to officially disband and free Sam from his oath, which I'd also put money on. But not as much.


If the wall falls or the WWs get around somehow the Nights Watch loses any cred or reason to exist-
I think he may be freed from his oath by this in the same way Jon was freed by his temporary death-and Lord Sam Tarly does have a nice ring to it! Deserves it more than most...


One way or another, the wall and the nights watch are probably going to be irrelevant by the end of this. Either they find a way through and kill everyone, or the nights watch win the battle and wipe out the white walkers. I don't think there is an option to go back to the way things are now (and they don't have to worry about the wildlings now they've allowed them all past the wall anyway).


Nail on head!
NW/wall done for!


The whole feudal system could be abandoned in the end. Or at least the monarchy.


I hope he does become Lord Tarly and Gilly Lady Tarly. He would be a better leader than his father. When Lord Tarly advised Jamie to whip the stragglers to get them to move faster, I thought then what does he do to the people within his realm. Until he appeared before Dany I had hoped he had gotten killed when she used Drogon to destroy the Lannister army.

I'm one of those who hasn't read the books and was wondering if it said that Sam did become Lord Tarly.


Show is way ahead of the books. Sam just arrived in old town in the books and it appears
The story lines will proceed much differently than the show. Lord tarly and Dickson are still alive also.


'Dick-son' lol
Was that intentional haha!


Intentional if auto spell correct counts! Suppose I'll leave it...


By all means...


Tarly was supposed to be a legendary army general
Only guy that beat Robert on the field...
I didnt like him either but military leaders are often rotten to the rank and file in order to get results...
I wouldnt have a kegger with the guy but i would like him in my corner...


Sam is definitely going to be standing at the end of GoT, and he's going to have a pretty awesome resume when he does:

- single-handedly faced a white walker north of the Wall and slew it

- rescued his wife and child from the evil Craster

- discovered the means for defeating the white walkers and advised the King in the North about how fight the undead army, likely saving all of Westeros

- perfected the cure for grayscale
- writes A Song of Ice and Fire

- owns a Valyrian steel sword (Heartsbane) worth millions in our money
- with the Night's Watch being disbanded, returns as head of one of the top noble houses in the whole continent


I think (hope) you just wrote the final pov chapter of ASOIAF
Im gonna bet a buck that you did
