MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > so Jamie and Bronn escape just like that...

so Jamie and Bronn escape just like that?

Looks like no one in Dany army knows how to swim to capture them even though they fell into the lake right next to Dany lol


Apparently they swam across the entire lake underwater. The armor that was weighing Jamie down suddenly wasn't much of a problem. The writing is pretty poor now.


It was a river. Rivers move...


Yeah, that was pretty weak


Yeah, they shouldn't have been able to do that. Jaime was weighted down with full armor. I fully expected him to be pulled out of the water where he was and captured alive. But he managed to swim down the river and escape Daenerys and her army? Yeah I'm not buying that. Suspension of disbelief only goes so far. That's just bad writing.


Bronn shouldn't have been able to drag him to the surface. You'd think that getting him up would have involved undoing some of the heavier bits of armor, but Jamie was wearing everything including the solid breastplate. Honestly, a little detail like that might have made the scene more believable, I wish they'd taken the trouble.

As to why the Dothraki didn't get him... maybe they'd found a wagon carrying intact barrels of wine? Really, they had two impossible or highly improbable things in one scene, and all it'd take to put them over would be some little visual cues like a missing breastplate.


I thought it was pretty ridiculous how they let them get away with it. The normal thing would have been that if they survived, that they were caught by the Dothraki. I mean and what did Dany do after they fell in the water, just walk away? Even if they were dragged by the river...all Dany had to do was get on her dragon, follow them and see where they finally end up, then return and get the Dothraki to search for them.

Oh and another thing. Rivers are FREEZING, especially in winter, so it's also a miracle they didn't get hypothermia.


Heh...i spent the whole week wondering how the Kingslayer could have survived that watery/200 pound armor-suited grave!
Then...yup, first scene, hes OK and quipping guys lol!!!
I f'ing love this show but sometimes man...


I agree.. I was shocked they showed him rescued straight away, they normally drag these things out!! I was worried we wouldn't find out what happened to him for ages!

reply Glenn under the dumster moment but whatever...i guess we knew his arc couldnt end yet


Obviously Jamie had borrowed cersei's plot armor. It's kept her alive against insanely overwhelming odds. It allowed Jamie to swim underwater for a mile or so while also keeping Bronn alive.

Just another day for the invulnerable cersei plot armor.


Jaime's golden armor would have drowned him very quickly, and there's no way Byron could have taken it off of him underwater.
