It makes me sad

It makes me sad that this board is so dead. This was a great great show. So looking forward to the second movie.


I really liked this show, but the last couple of seasons weren't that great and I didn't like the movie.


yeah, love this show. wish it was still going.


I wish it went on long enough to see Shawn raise a child.


I'm rewatching the show right now. It was a favorite of mine even though I missed some episodes. I like to jump into the series and watch it every now and then. It keeps it fresh for me. I am often surprised at some of the endings because I go a long time without watching it so I sort of forget what happens.


Yeah, I just rewatched the show on Amazon. I watched the first film (excluding the musical-- I can't stand most musicals. Hurts my brain). Such a fun show indeed!


I do my own "mini marathons" of shows. I was recently watching a lot of Criminal Minds and I really NEEDED to lighten the mood, so I reached for Psych.

I've also been rewatching the prison drama OZ. After a while I pop in an episode of Psych. It's the entertainment equivalent of a bright sunny day after being cooped up during a snowstorm!
