OT: Do you think

Height matters? I think somewhat as far as sports, being able to reach things, confidence, getting teased. I used to be 5’11(grew to 6’ at 25) and would get called “small” sometimes but I know a guy who’s 6’4 who would get teased for being really tall lol.
So i’d say 6’1-6’2 is the ideal range.


6'0" isn't small. It's above average.

Where'd you grow up? The NBA?


When I was 5’11 I would get called small, which is still slightly above average. I grew up in the US.


Were you thin and or slight of build? 5'11 isn't short, but oh well.


Yes I was very thin. Weighed 139


That might be why you were called small and not short, or diminutive, or Lilliputian, or tiny, or teeny or economical or...……...


Was called short a few times too by guys 6’3-6’4, all relative I guess.


Height only matters for specific tasks. If you're a spelunker or a jockey, you would probably prefer a smaller build and frame. If you're an athlete, tall is probably good. But in terms of life, happiness, meaning in your life, satisfaction, etc. - I don't think height is important at all. Ignore teasers.

6' is above average. You're only small if your social circle is all abnormally tall.


The funny thing is that it seems to me that just about everyone exaggerates their height by two to three inches. I always thought I was 6’2” and I know many people no taller than me who claim to be 6’3”. I know several people a few inches shorter than me that claim to be 6’. But I looked into joining one of those tall groups where the cutoff for a male is 6’2” and you have to be measured without shoes to join. So I had myself measured on a medical scale in only my socks and I was only 6’ 1/2” which really surprised me since I was always led to believe I was taller.


It doesnt matter much.

Hardly the measure of a man.
