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Sharon Stone's message to people who complain about actors like Christian Bale lashing out on set: 'Grow up'

On Wednesday's The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Sharon Stone defended Christian Bale over backlash he has received from film crews. Stone, who was promoting her memoir The Beauty of Living Twice, was asked if she would like to atone for any on-set outbursts but she instead chose to defend Bale.

"I would not say so much for myself, but I can certainly say that I see that with such, you know, brilliant actors," the actress said. "Christian Bale, who completely transforms himself into someone else, whether he's playing George Bush or whether he's playing an anorexic or whether he's playing an OCD, you know, stockbroker, he becomes a different person."

In 2009, video surfaced of Bale yelling at a lighting person on the set of Terminator Salvation. While Bale apologized for the outburst, which left him labeled as difficult to work with, Stone doesn't think it was that big of a deal.

"People, you know, want to get up in his business while he's trying to completely transform into another person," said Stone. "Then he's like, 'Get away from me!' And then they want to criticize him for not being available to them. I find that a little bit ... you know, maybe they should just grow up."


I'm pretty sure every actor in the biz who spoke up defended Bale for that particular situation.


r119, I had camera friends who worked on that film. The cinematographer (or DP) is notorious for verbally berating his crew, and Bale saw it all. Bale is also Method, and when working with Method actors, you NEVER get in their eyeline. Bale killed 2 birds with one stone by getting back at the DP for the crew and for himself.

by Anonymous reply 121 May 16, 2016 11:39 PM


Intriguing new info on the iconic Bale rant


Bale had a new extremely hot girlfriend on the set. The outburst wasn't real anger, the cinematographer getting into the shot, working and not giving Bale deference to his acting, embarrassed/disrespected Bale in front of his new squeeze.

Pretty standard human behavior. If you want a guy to get aggressive, make him look bad in front of his new lover, he will get angry to re-establish dominance.


Well, normal guys.
