This movie is actually just awful

Having now re-read and rewatched the whole series I think I can safely say that this one is by far the worst with the fourth one coming in second. The way they butchered the backstory of Voldemort while making the love story a much bigger part of the story, almost making what should be the main plot feel like sideplot, feels expertly shittily done as if they were intentionally trying to fuck it up. It should feel like 90% Harry and Dumbledore and 10% love story but it feels like 50/50.

Sure, maybe I'm just biased because I love the book, and I probably am, but I don't think this movie has a single good scene. At least the fourth movie had the Cedric Diggory getting tp'd back dead with all the people's reactions. And the fifth had Dumbledore v Voldemort. This one, while being as bad as the other two, didn't even have that much.

And the Half-Blood Prince sidestory is almost nonexistent with an embarrassing reveal at the end when the setup is like one and a half scenes. That shit was awesome in the books, and I'm disappointed that it and Slughorn/Voldemort got completely fucked over by some stupid as romance subplot with Ginny who is hardly even a character in the movies. The kiss in the room of requirement may be the cringiest moment of the entire series, I felt really bad for everyone involved in that scene.

And I still haven't even mentioned the worst part of the movie. Dumbledore! And I won't go into it too much, because basically everyone agrees that Michael Gambon's portrayal of the character ruins much of the intrigue and fun of Dumbledore. But it just makes his death so much less hard hitting when you don't really care for THAT Dumbledore or THAT Dumbledore's relationship with Harry.

That's all, just wanted to talk about how shit this movie is. Maybe I'll do the same with the fourth movie someday as it is also pretty fucking terrible.



So did you like OR WHAT?


Forgot about this post. Pretty good write-up if I may say so myself. It really is one of most shockingly bad movies I have seen


You havent seen many films than....lmao...


most shockingly bad =/= worst movie I have seen. It was the most shocking because I wasn't expecting that a Harry Potter movie could be that awful (plus the book is one of my favorites). It has more to do with expectations than anything.


You are a very good writer.


Personally, I thought it was very good.


8 from 8 is o


But you're using the letter O, not the number 0. See the difference? And baffingly, you're using a lowercase O, too.


Yeah, that's right.


This was my favorite book of the series and I felt like it was the worst adaptation. The book goes heavily into details about Harry and Dumbledore exploring Voldemort's backstory and it is practically non-existent in the film. Yates was more concerned with the romance and love triangle than the actual main parts of the story. Like you said, the Half-Blood Prince reveal has little to no meaning at the end.

While I understand books are much more in-depth and cuts need to be made, I just felt that the adaptation here was too vastly different than the source material.


Well said. Was always frustrated and surprised by how reviews of this movie never seemed to mention any of this stuff, even if they didn't like the movie, so I thought I'd write my own


And it looks terrible. Colorless and washed out.
