WTF Janis!?

I just always hated how she was so still so self righteous near the end and even says to Cady, “Are you still an as*hole?”

Um... YOU were the as*hole right from the start by manipulating a young naïve newbie into doing your bidding, all because of a petty grudge dating back to middle school that you still hold onto!?
Yeah take a look in the mirror Janis, you're not innocent either!

And this is AFTER Cady apologized to her, Regina, and the whole school, basically.


I feel that


It's true. Janis was such a bitch near the end. She didn't redeem herself.


Still true. Janis had this mentality that, because she was honest about her bad behavior, that that honesty somehow meant she wasn't accountable.


I agree with this too. I really did not care for her character but I did appreciate her witty comebacks:

Jock: "Nice wig Janis. What's it made of?"

Janis: "Your mom's chest hair!"



Jock: "Nice wig Janis. What's it made of?"

Janis: "Your mom's chest hair!"

Oh my God. That is what made me love Janis.


After her bullying altercation with Regina, she had trusting issues (understandably). So she wanted to make sure Cady wasn’t turning into another Regina who would end up betraying her.


That doesn't mean she shouldn't hold herself somewhat accountable for how things escalated.

I understand why she was annoyed with Cady over the whole art show/party dilemma, but she should've also cut slack and recognised that it wasn't a deliberate betrayal. Cady just got carried away with newfound popularity, having never experienced anything like it before.


You're right SisterSuzy. I would've been happy had they changed the dialogue to be something like...

Cady: So, are we still in a fight?
Janis: Are you still an A-hole?
Cady: I don't think so.
Janis: Neither am I. I guess we're okay.

That's all it takes... Just a simple acknowledgement from Janis that she's changed for the better too. How hard would that have been?


I always thought Janis was meant to be an Emo chick so the snark didn't surprise me at all.
