MovieChat Forums > Sideways (2004) Discussion > No way hot blonde falls for fat bald ugl...

No way hot blonde falls for fat bald ugly loser

This movie is not realistic at all



She was pretty hot....the disparity in looks ruined this movie


i disagree. while i wouldn't say Paul Giamotti is what most people call "hot" he has qualities that go far beyond the superficiality of looks. i have dated some guys who were considered very hot but never went beyond a first date because they lacked the qualities i look for i.e. intelligence, sensitivity, kindness, the ability to keep me interested during conversations. it's very shallow to say that just because he is not what is considered a conventionally "hot" guy that he could not be with an attractive woman. also, Maya herself did not seem the type that would date a man based on looks alone which makes it highly believable that she could be attracted to him. it didn't surprise me at all that she wanted to be with him, that's my take on it anyway.


If you're single at her age, you'd be surprised what suddenly becomes appealing.... she's probably been ran through a million times by "hot" guys and was ready for something more authentic...


Women are not as concerned with physical looks as much as men are.

Men want a hot piece of ass. It doesn't matter if she's a fortune seeking whore, has a terrible personality, is a whining piece of sht, or dull as dishwater. If men can brag about having her on their arm and fcking her later on, they will take her.

If men want to socialize, they go out with their friends.

Women are not like that.

Women want financial stability. Do you have your own place? Do you have a decent job? Savings? That's sexy enough for us. Unless a woman is very young or terribly immature, then looks aren't that big of a deal for us. Unless you're really, really hideous or freakish looking (disabilities don't count)...well there's not much hope for you.

You may think I'm crazy, but I will say this: the fattest man on earth was married.

The fattest woman on earth? Probably lives alone with her dogs, the television set, and burger king wrappers surrounding her feet.


That's a great post, slightly cynical, but ultimately accurate.

As much as we try to dispel these stereotypes when we are young and idealistic (well, some of us), it never comes to anything.


Not always the case. I know of someone close who fell for a guy from a poor financial background. Neither has a place or a vehicle to commute of his own. Infact she gave him money despite the fact he was earning and he didnt didnt drink or smoke. He blew everything. He didnt even contribute at home. God knows what women want. And she is a clinical psychologist.


This is completely untrue. What a sad little world you live in, I hesitate to ask what century. Not to mention the fact that homosexual relationships completely disprove your theory.

Both men and women can be superficial a$$holes, but if dumbfVckery is a slightly more prominent feature among men, it is only because meatheads like you go around declaiming it socially acceptable. You're wasting your time, though.

Before anyone else from the peanut gallery chimes in, understand that dating profundities from someone named after Felix the Cat probably come with their own pathetic emotional baggage. Seek help.

Et ses mains ourdiraient les entrailles du prêtre
Au défaut d'un cordon pour étrangler les rois


They shared not only a passion for wine but a knowledge for it. Maya also appreciated Miles' talent as a writer. I thought their romance was very plausible. For what it's worth too I find Paul Giamatti handsome in this film.


This movie is not realistic at all

If you saw my wife and me, you'd find this movie to be very realistic. When we first met, she was so gorgeous I couldn't believe she would even give me the time of day. When she met my family for the first time, they actually thought I was playing some kind of joke on them. When we got married, one of my friends said I must have some secret stash of cash to get her. Now it's 40 years and 4 grandkids later and 35-year-old guys still hit on her... and I look more like an aging Barney Rubble every day. We still hold hands when we take walks.

Yeah, looks matter. But common interest, common backgrounds, common ethics and common respect mean much more.... THANK GOD.


she's probably not that pretty


*TehFapper was found dead in his mother's basement from a combination of auto-erotic asphyxiation and wounds from a vacuum cleaner. He was 39 years old.


Yeah, I thought so too. He's a short, pudgy, balding sadsack driving a jalopy, and this tall, attractive woman who is working hard to get ahead in life is hot for him? No f'ing way.


None but the brave deserve the fair, Sonny.


The brave, yet the doomed, sweetheart.


Maybe she was supposed to be “Mary Ann ugly” like in that episode of the Simpsons where Moe goes to Hollywood. Dawn Wells in real life was stunningly beautiful but on Gilligan’s Island she is supposed to be the plainer looking girl.


Virginia Madsen ain't all that hot, and definitely not hot enough to float in the clouds above articulate, well-read schlubs like Giamatti.


Jealous much?

