I felt bad for Cho

I liked how it was in the book at least for why Cho and Harry broke up. That Cho was jealous of Hermione. In the movie, it doesn't make sense why everyone hated Cho. She ratted out Dumbledore's Army because she was under Veritaseram. Anyone would have told the truth under that whether they wanted to or not.


I thought they didn't know that she was under the influence of the truth serum until later?


But even so, they could have made up with her.


Which is weird that she never told anyone. She was acting like she did it on purpose, not someone who was forced to betray her friends against her will.

You'd think the first thing to do the second she sees her friends would be to say "they drugged me, i couldn't help it, it could have been anyone of us".


In the book it was asnt Cho that ratted them out, it was Cho's friend Marietta. Feel better?


That's why it's stupid they couldn't make it like the book. Why they had to sideline Cho as an excuse to break up her and Harry.


Well actually, one of the things that scriptwriters need to do when adapting a long book to the screen is to reduce the number of supporting characters.

So I'm okay with them cutting out Marietta and making Cho directly responsible, because it's just simpler to make everyone resent Cho unjustly than to make everyone resent Marietta unjustly, and then resent Cho for defending her.


Marietta derseves all the resent, that she can get.
She could have quit the DA without betraying everyone else, up to and including her best friend Cho.
Actually, it is even Marietta's fault that Umbridge becomes head-mistress.
Because her stupidity makes it necessary for Dumbledore to sacrifice himself for the kids and leave Hogwarts!
Which is why I feel that Marietta is a very odious character.
Sure, Cho attempts to justify Marietta's actions by that her mother works for the ministry.
But I must agree with Harry and point out that other DA members had family working for the ministry as well.
However, it is clear that only Marietta was enough of a scumbag to become a traitor.
And I don't get why Cho would defend her, because her actions could have gotten them all expelled.
But I never liked Cho anyway...


In the books and in the films, Cho was insipid imo. I couldn’t bear her.


Yeah, she rubbed me the wrong way from the start.
