This movie isn't that bad. Spoilers

I admit it is inferior to Raiders and Last Crusade but I still enjoyed it. I admit I don't like Temple of Doom and I know I am in the minority on that. The ants and monkeys didn't look that great but I enjoy the scenes with them anyway. As an aunt of mine pointed out they went with aliens because they wanted to set it in the 1950s when those were popular. So I think it makes sense to go in that direction with it. You may not agree but I still like this. I also liked that it ended with Marion and Indy getting married.


"The ants and monkeys didn't look that great but I enjoy the scenes with them anyway."

You've forgotten the awful goofy gophers? Or did you blank it from your mind?


No. I didn't mind them. Also they were Prairie Dogs. If you are going to criticize something you ought to know what it is.



Prairie dogs! Not gophers!

Well that changes everything!


I always liked it fine. Not as much as the original films but I never disliked it.


I always laugh at the "Greaser" fight.


It’s inferior to Raiders and Temple. It is slightly less bad than Last Crusade.


I like it but I also like The Last Crusade.
