MovieChat Forums > Superman Returns (2006) Discussion > 'Superman: Legacy' Can't Repeat This DC ...

'Superman: Legacy' Can't Repeat This DC Storytelling Mistake

Past Superman Movies Haven’t Showcased the Man of Steel's Heroism

Unfortunately, these lessons have been ignored by many of the attempted Superman reboots. In Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns, Superman’s plight on Earth seems to solely focus on his doomed romance with Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth). There’s hardly any time spent focusing on his interactions with people who don’t know his secret identity. Although Superman Returns was accurate to the original comic book depiction of the character, its greatest flaw was that it was working off of an assumption that the audience already knew who Superman was. Superman needs to be seen taking action in order to justify continued interest. He risks being an unreliable character if he doesn’t have the motivation to save the day.


It likely wont James Gunn has done good with both the Guardians & Task Force X


Its abit funny Gunn is going to be attempting another go at doing a Donner-esque version of Superman when Singer already tried it. Bit like Daniel Craig doing what Dalton did as Bond pretty much (assuming they pull it off as well as Craigs Bond)


Gun will likely do it better by having more action, better Lois Lane and not have the whole thing be a soap opera.


Yes exactly, just a few tweaks like better Lois (already there), more action, better suit (more like the traditional Reeve suit than a dull scuba suit with plastic 3D \S/), and overall more colour (like a comic book, like Superman III), more realistic flight stuff (not so much barely see him CG flying in the twilight darkness), and dial down the melodrama ..make it 'fun'


There was a lot in "Superman Returns" that didn't quite work. Agreed with Bozo in several areas. The suit didn't look right. The CGI was very phony looking. I thought Kate Bosworth as Lois and Kevin Spacey as Lex were poor casting choices. Plus, Lex being so humorless. I didn't see the need for Superman's baby. I could go on and on. SR just didn't work. ALthough I should say this - Brandon Routh didn't bother me. If SR was a winner, he'd have had a career. As it happens, I think he pretty well faded into obscurity.

SO, can Gunn do something with SUperman in SL? Well, we'll see.....


I think Gunn will be aware of what's needed. He's not my favourite filmmaker but I'm sure he's got a handle on this (and has consulted a few DC Superman writers).
