The train sequence.

Just gotta say, even now some 17 years after release this scene (and this film) is still so good. The effects hold up incredibly well and Sam Raimi’s passionate direction for this franchise is clear to see.

IMHO this could be the greatest superhero film of all time and the train scene up there as one of the very best in film history. It’s one of those scenes you can watch and watch and never get tired of.


The only movie I can compare it to is the original Superman film. It had all those feels. You ever watch this movie with a group of kids who've never seen it before. It's a drug! It gets you high as shit.


It's a spectacular set-piece. Reminder that Marvel made great movies even back then.


No, they only made great movies back then. Their movies now are without soul.


The whole scene was masterful. Spiderman isn't some unstoppable super-powered force, he's pushed to the limits of his strength, endangering his own life, and if he fails, the lives of everyone on the train. He has to improvise, and endure a lot of pain. And the passengers understand what he did for them.
