MovieChat Forums > Foyle's War (2003) Discussion > British programs are far superior to Ame...

British programs are far superior to American ones.

Enough said and I'm a yank.


Not necessarily. Sure there's some standouts like this, but then you also have others like Primeval that go right down the crapper.

And look at how they've screwed up Dr. Who the last 3 years.

You don't watch the majority of cancelled shows they've put only. Pretty much only the cream rises to the top for the American markets.



Sorry, Joe, but I'm going to have to echo the comments of the original post. Even when there is a show that is half-way decent on US TV, you'll find the main cast members being British: GOTS, The Wire, House MD, just to name a few.


British actors on an American show STILL means it's an American show.

That convoluted thinking won't get you anywhere.



Whoa! And there I was thinking this is platform for civil discourse. Silly win!


Civil discourse requires a level of intelligence in order to partake.



The writing isn't always better, but the actors tend to be far better than the usual network actors we have here in America. And I think the reason is that most actors in England cut their teeth on Shakespeare and aren't thinking in terms of being a star, but rather in perfecting their craft. They want to ACT. They tend to have range and depth. We are amazed when we have an actor or actress who can convincingly portray disparate characters, but it's what's expected of classically trained actors in England.


They are not superior, it's just that we see only the good ones.


I agree. Hollywood puts out crap compared to what the Brits do. But, to be fair, I haven't watched everything British TV has to offer. I can only go by what I've seen.


Generally agree, and find Foyle and company to be the top of the crop. Perfectly cast, and I want to marry Honeysuckle Weeks. What a sweetheart.
