MovieChat Forums > Gayniggers from Outer Space Discussion > How can we continue to make movies knowi...

How can we continue to make movies knowing it's impossible to top this masterpiece?

I challenge anyone to make a film more riveting and thought-provoking as this brilliant piece of cinema. See it for yourself if you don't believe me.


Brought a tear to my eye, bro.


The film is just too powerful that it should be banned.


My god, it's a DeLaurentis film, and is that Vangelis on the soundtrack???


The magical thing about this movie is that it's anything you want it to be.


Agreed. For me it replaces The Last Jedi and ties in nicely with TROS


I consider this film what was inside the monolith when the apes found it in A Space Odyssey.


That is the best theory I've ever heard on the monolith - if only Kubrick had the benefit of your wisdom 50 years ago.


The problem, however, is that by acknowledging this film in A Space Odyssey, it will lessen the importance of A Space Odyssey because we're comparing it to this work of art. Kubrick doesn't stand a chance against this groundbreaking film.


For me, this film is Rosebud, it's the movie Orson Welles could only dream of making, I now watch Citizen Kane as a tribute to this masterpiece of cinema.


i just recently experienced this masterpeice for the first time. holy smokes this is the peak of cinema. everything before and after it will never reach these peaks it is simply impossible


This movie was so good that it deserved an Oscar in its own special category: best everything. There should have been no other categories that night, just this one and it should have been an entire 3 hour broadcast about nothing other than this movie.


Yes!! In a perfect honest world that is what would have happened. Sadly the oscars are just a corrupt propaganda organization they will never support true art and cinema such as this film


