Massively Underrated

I have no shame in saying that this is one of my favourite films of all time. What amazes me so much about this film is just the unique feeling it gives off. It almost feels dream-like in its approach, which is driven home by its colorful cinematography and its euphoric soundtrack. The acting is pretty great, and overall I really adore this film. I don't know if my thoughts are a general consensus amongst movie lovers already, but please discuss your thoughts on this film below.


Everything you say is true, yet the film is catapulted into the stratosphere of greats because the main character owns a Dreamcast.


i have seen this film at the cinema when it was released, i did enjoy it thoroughly


It's Thomas Anderson's first "Film", i mean in a sense you can't tell were his influences are coming from and it feel's new. I love Hard Eight, Boogie Nights and Magnolia a lot especially Boogie Nights. But you can tell it's influences are all over those films like Robert Altman and Martin Scorsese. The film's are stunning, especially the last two. Amazing he was still yet in his 30's when he made those three films.

But with Punch-Drunk Love, he cemented his status for me as one of the greatest voices in cinema working today. It's such a unique romantic film, that you never seen it's like before. It feels like a film out of time. Adam Sandler delivers his best performance ever. Emily Watson hasn't been as lovely, this is the closet you see her to been Amelie type (which was wanted for first). Even Philip Seymour Hoffman in a small role, delivers one of his best performances. Must also be Anderson's shortest film at 1hr 35mins.

That opening scene alone is so original. Also love the bit in supermarket when Barry is buying up all the jelly, in the distanc you a person in red following from other side of the aisle. It's obviously Lena, but you don't see it until after a few rewatches, just love those little touches.

Definitely underrated film.


Punch Drunk Love is heavily influenced by Adam Sandler comedies. It's whole premise is that it's an Adam Sandler rom-com, just, in a much more realistic and darker world where his man-child behaviour gets called out and has consequences and where the plot and characters were aimed at adults instead of teenagers.


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