MovieChat Forums > Cast Away (2000) Discussion > Realism of being stranded for 4 years?

Realism of being stranded for 4 years?

Is it really that likely in the 21st century to be lost on an island for 4 years without being rescued? I mean it was a pretty big island with a giant mountainface. An island like that would've been very popular amongst Polynesians, since most of the uninhabited islands are probably a fifth of the size and totally flat, and it would probably have a village on it if it were that big. If you look on Google Maps you'll see that most Pacific Islands are connected and at least one of the islands will be populated.

Maybe Chuck could've been stranded for 4 years in the 1800's, but I just don't think it's possible in 21st century with the way Oceania is connected. I think he could've been stranded for a few weeks, maybe a couple of months at max. Anything more than a year seems completely preposterous. A boat or a plane would've definitely gone by.


It depends on whether there is water source on the island, but in any case it is definitely owned by someone, unless it is seasonally submerged by water it should have care takers, visit at least annually.

That is one of the things very unfair to young people, once you were born every inch of planet is already owned by old people.


Nations usually own these islands, not individuals. And there are millions of them, and the majority never get human interaction.


There are millions of uninhabited islands. They definitely don't all get caretakers. This is very realistic. Drug smugglers often use them as bases because nobody goes to them.


Yes, people can be lost. There are many islands who technically belong to some country. But are not inhabited.

Ocean is big.


It's okay. Since the movie was released in 2000 and filmed mostly in 1999, it was in the barbaric 20th century.


It was awhile since I seen it. At one point a Polynesian gang came to the island, beat Chuck severely, sexually interacted with him and finished it off with performing a bukkake on him before they left. Yeah, that sounds familiar, it was why he wanted to commit suicide.


I can see some fan-fiction explaining "Chuck: The Missing Years". He finds lost treasure, discovers a secret base on the island, and has a bukkake express with a Polynesian gang. No wonder he was a celebrity when he got back.


No wonder he was a celebrity when he got back.

Makes sense.


You have a strange fantasy life.
You should check yourself in.
