MovieChat Forums > Office Space (1999) Discussion > Was the manager at Chotchkie's all that ...

Was the manager at Chotchkie's all that bad?

I just watched Office Space again and, as per the norm when you see a movie too many times, I found myself thinking that Jennifer Aniston's boss at Chotchkie's wasn't really that bad. It's not like he was dictating and censoring the flair she was putting on, he just wanted her to put more on. That seemed to be her only complaint about the place other than the annoying coworker.

Civility is just a warm and fuzzy name for censorship.


Yeah, man. I do believe he needed to get his ass kicked!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


The problem was with him setting her up to fail if she wore an amount which she was told was acceptable.

Setting her up to fail? I'd say she did that to herself by working in a place like that to begin with.


Not really, I would rather put up with him over Lumburgh or Brian any day, he did seem to be a bit frightened of dealing with confrontation though.


I do sometimes wonder how Brian would feel if Stan would start pooping on the bathroom floor and constantly ask Brian to clean up the mess, I can picture Brian being nice enough to clean up the poop Stan put on the floor.


He wasn't a bad person, he was a bad manager. Lumbberg was a bad person.


No he wasn't. In fact, if I had to do this type of work I'd fit right in playing the part and he'd probably promote me for being a good bullshitter. The downside to this type of work is actually all of the customers and just one bad apple can fuck up your day and throw your attitude into the shitter. I worked service jobs in high school and swore to never do such work while going to college (unlike many of my friends who had everything paid for I had to pay for my tuitiion).

I was kind of surprised that a cute girl like Aniston would be working at such a place


there's something in here that someone else mentioned. joanna's attitude wasn't the best. she's getting a pass from everyone on here because she's a woman. When peter came into the restaurant, she thought he was asking about the lunch specials, instead of telling him like a good waitress should she told him to read it himself. That's pretty rude in the customer service department.

Joanna isn't innocent like everyone in here is claiming. He went about it the wrong way, but there's nothing wrong with wanting more effort out of your employee.

This generation sucks with their entitled attitude and not wanting to work for anything.


I watched Office Space last night for the first time in 15 years and while I wouldn't want him as my manager, he wasn't as bad compared to Lumbergh because his behavior towards Joanna wasn't nearly as bad as Lumbergh's behavior towards Milton and to a smaller extent Peter, he wasn't nearly as callous as Lumbergh was either.


Someone else already said it: not necessarily a bad person, but definitely a bad manager.

It was as if he was trying to make Joanna WANT to wear more flair... which is impossible. Hence the saying 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.' You can make an employee wear more flair, but you can't make them ~want~ to. She didn't want to wear any flair at all, so she wore the bare minimum. To him, that meant she wasn't the right type of person to be working there. He should have been more upfront about that instead of trying to manipulate her and wasting his time and hers.


The manager being good or bad wasn't the point. Joanna wasn't cut out for that kind of work, just like Peter wasn't a good fit for a corporate tech drone.

The irony of this film is that it probably deserved a sequel, moreso than movies like The Fockers or Hangover series.


I saw the scene more as representing managers in the general workforce that nitpick little things and ignoring all the hard work their employees put in.


Except Jen wasn't really that hard of a worker. Like I said, she wasn't cut out for that type of work.
