Assuming Tony died…

What do you think happened to his family?

I remember Carmela did some investments and got some insurance. So, I assume she was set for life. She might also feel liberated.

Meadow wanted to become a Lawyer. I assume Tony’s inheritance would help her pay for that.

AJ is a big question. He is working at Little Carmine’s film production company thanks to Tony. Will he keep that job after Tony’s gone?

More importantly, will he get better or worse emotionally? Having his father murdered in front of him could set him back. But, then again, a lot of his emotional problems came from Tony’s involvement in the Mafia. Could this be the cure he needed?

Overall, with Tony’s death, is that the end of the Soprano’s involvement with the Mafia?



Only the writers of this series has any right to speculate


Way to kill a thread mills..


Only the writers have the right? Might as well just close the boards altogether then. Let's all sit in silent observation


Thats a good idea. You go first


The women will be fine, albeit poorer, but AJ could go either way. If he’s smart he’ll just live his life, if he’s dumb he’ll go looking for revenge. Hopefully Paulie would talk him out of it.


AJ is the biggest question mark for me. Meadow was bound for success and Carmella would probably spend her way through Tony's money, sell the house, then wind up trying to marry some other rich guy to parasite off, maybe another mobster
