Did you think Anakin was going to turn into Darth Vader?

I remember as a kid before the movie was released, I thought Anakin was going to turn to the dark side in this film. Did anyone else think this idea and was disappointed that he didn’t become Darth Vader until Episode III?




Thanks for spoiling the movie, moron


You are about 43 years too late to be complaining about that spoiler. Then again, if you've never seen any of the Star Wars movies it's foolish to come on here where people will be discussing them.


Wow, the arrogance. NO-ONE can be TOO LATE to complain about spoilers.


Or the ignorance if you don't know Anakin is Darth Vader before watching this. Also like I said it is a dumb idea to go on the board of a movie you have never seen but plan to see.


My general rule is any movie made after 1950; we all should be considerate of others and not reveal spoilers unless there is a warning


Why 1950? I never watched Gone With The Wind. Apparently there's a war going on. I don't know the outcome, so don't spoil it for me.


After 73 years, spoilers can be posted without warnings. I have not seen Gone with the Wind but I do happen to know who won the war. I won't spoil it for you


No, I expected the change to come towards the end of the 3rd film.


I never expected him to change in any movie, it was a great plot twist.


Lol! I guess you are way younger than me. I was born in the mid 80s so I watched the Original Trilogy a lot before I ever saw the prequels.


Is he really as young as you think? Perhaps his handle is a clue


Same here. However the greater plot twist was Rey being a Palpatine in episode 9


However the greatest plot twist was Jar Jar Binks being a Sith Lord.


Jar Jar is my favorite character in the galaxy. I still can't believe or accept that he is a sith lord


No. I expected what we got, which was the beginnings of his fall.
