Can this movie be skipped, and only watch the other two?

One thing I've always thought about the PT is that Phantom Menace, while being lambasted as a poor Star Wars movie and a let-down for many millions after many years, is still an old-fashioned good vs evil adventure with exciting settings and diverse characters, even if a couple are annoying. It has a definite self-contained plot and battles galore, and ends with victory for the beseiged planet.

Revenge of the Sith, likewise, is an epic conclusion with quite dark themes, and many consider it the best of the PT, and it has many iconic scenes not to mention even bigger battles and saber fights. It neatly leads into ANH, or if you'd even like it to, Rogue One.

However, AOTC has always been my sticking point with the PT, as it's just so BORING. All this stuff about the Separatists and the cloners, and the awful love story between Anakin and Padme, as well as the other stuff, and even the battle is boring, and Count Dooku is not even that interesting. Also, not to mention Anakin's incessant WHINING and TANTRUMS. Yes, I would say that the plot of AOTC interests me the LEAST, and I actually think I could do without it in my collection.

So yes, I like TPM and love ROTS, and like AOTC the least. I don't have any physical media boxsets so I can buy the movies individually, so as of this moment, I only have ROTS in my collection, but I really think I will buy TPM and omit AOTC.

So in the end, my perfect Star Wars sextet would actually be the OT, the PT minus AOTC, and Rogue One, as I'm a huge fan of the Death Star. So that's what I will have.


So I guess you all like AOTC? The pointless Coruscant bounty hunter chase? C-3PO going all comedy on us? R2-D2 with his thrusters? The videogame droid assembly line scene? You all LIKE that??


i do like your idea of the prequel trilogy being tpm/rots/ro but i have to say the coruscant bount hunter chase did lead to obi wan finding the kamino dart leading him to finding out about the clones.


I hated that entire section of the movie, it was BORING.


Yes, I like it. I think it's the closest the Star Wars movies ever got to capturing the "every day adventure" of the setting. I'd struggle to call it a movie though. It's more like a series of vignettes. I think it best reflects the Flash Gordon roots of the franchise.


I do. Its better than Ewoks killing Storm Troopers.


Watch Star Wars (1977) and skip everything that came afterward.


I'd recommend Empire and forget the rest. It was the first Star Wars movie that I saw and didn't bother me at all that I hadn't seen the first movie.

What comes to prequels, I don't understand why would anybody want to skip Attack of the Clones, it is the best of the prequels after all.


No, Sith is the best.


While I can see your point about not including it, the trilogy seems incomplete without it. On the other hand, I feel that about two thirds of Return of the Jedi we could have done without. Watch the opening until Han is saved and then skip to the Luke Vader Emperor scenes.


The movie could've done without Jabba the Hutt, but I guess Lucas wanted to hit his creature quota per movie.


And the annoying Ewoks.


It wouldn't make sense to skip the Ewok intro section, seeing as how they aid the Rebels in defeating the Imperials (even if you personally don't like that).


True but I can fast forward past their appearances.


This is a special movie. If you do the Top Job of existence directly before watching this you will get the special nature of it in that it's an 'off-world' star was movie.... something related to getting off your planet.


you can skip all three prequel. they add nothing to star wars folklore.


