Did you cry when qui gon died

That and the funeral are just as dramatic of any tear jerker out there


No, I did not.


I don't think many people did but not because it wasn't a sad moment. The scene simply wasn't set up as tear jerker, similarly to Obi Wan's death the film just doesn't really dwell on it.


Women cry during the notebook, men cry when Qui Gon dies


No, his death just kind of happened there


Not sure, if I was already aware that Qui Gon dies, I think so, as this was my big Star Wars time when I read a lot of EU and of course a lot of other stuff. So I doubt I was surprised, so I doubt I cried. I remember that I was really fond of Qui Gon/Liam Neeson (basically first contact, I saw him before, but he was just one of many), but I was back then more exited of what will happen with Obi Wan and Anakin.
I only really remember that I back then directly identified Ian McDiarmids Sidious because of his nose. I am not sure if I already knew that McDiarmid was playing the emperor, but even if, there was still the potential that Sidious was not equal with the Emperor. After Episode 1 a lot of EU knowledge got consolidated.
