Awesome Music

I love the music from this film! Particularly the score. My favorite track from the movie score is "Launch." There's some other good music, but the Launch track was epic.


If they didn't beat the Aerosmith tune to death.. yes I do agree the score is quite good


I love the music that's playing over the opening sequence of Earth


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The score is fantastic! This and Days of Thunder (Hans Zimmer) are what launched (excuse the pun) my love of movie scores. I have collected a bunch over the years. Hard to imagine that Trevor Rabin from the band Yes did this score. He's very talented.


I know exactly what you mean :D I have all the scores of movies I love (and a few computer games), both on CD and ripped onto my computer. I think it's what led me to discovering I love Epic Music on youtube ;)


It's so funny you say that about the "Epic Music". I have written a bunch of those compositions - obviously influenced by my love of movie scores. However, I got to meet one of the creators of an album I downloaded and he told me that Armageddon, Transformers and Young Guns were the inspiration to a couple of his pieces. I thought that was a pretty cool connection. This stuff is my "go to" when I am working or even just relaxing. I took a girl out on a date a few years back and I had the Armageddon score playing and she says, "Is that from a movie? Wait... I know this. It's Armageddon!"

Me: Correct
Her: Why the hell are you listening to this?

That was our only date HAHAHA


I was talking about works by groups such as Two Steps From Hell, or Thomas Bergersen. E.S. Posthumus also does some stuff, but it can get really dark. Just go to "YouTube" and type in "Epic Music," and listen to some of the compilations people have put together; you'll find something that speaks to you :)


Thomas Bergersen is damn good. Been listening to him for a while. :) I'll check out Two Steps From Hell this afternoon! Thanks!


TSFH is amazing! Some of my favorites are things like "Star Sky," or "Blackheart," or one of the most impressive is "Impossible." Actually, a lot of their stuff is awesome :D


To be honest I don't remember the music in this film - though I've watched it several times. But you've reminded me that once upon a time there were albums of Great Western Themes and Great War Film Themes. I still find myself whistling them (badly) sometimes. Hadn't occurred to me to even look for that kind of music for years despite the fact that most films have a reference to an album buried in the end credits.


I'd only noticed with Hans zimmer movie music
"The Rock" and "Pirates of the Carribean" (1) have pretty memorable music , for me .


I learnt Hans Zimmers' name after Gladiator and I think he suffered for a while after that because producers kept asking for similar themes.
But every now and then the music in a film will catch my attention and surprisingly often it turns out to be Zimmer.


This is the greatest movie ever made. So yes, of course the music is top notch.
