MovieChat Forums > Face/Off (1997) Discussion > Drinking/laughing game?

Drinking/laughing game?

I just went to see this movie in the theater and expected a nice trip down memory lane, but instead the experience was pretty much ruined by a whole bunch of Gen Zers who decided to LOL at the most bizarre moments. FUCKING annoying.

EDIT: I thought I was going to get free tickets, but the theater actually returned my money. So at least that's something.


It's a movie known for how ridiculous, over the top, and absurd it is, so much that it makes it fun.

OF COURSE there was going to be that in a theatrical re release in 2024. That would be the number one thing I would've expected if I went. This isnt a movie about oscar-winning performances and mind-blowing stunts or leaps in film-making technology. Think about it.... why else would a movie like this get released in a theater in 2024?


"This isnt a movie about oscar-winning performances and mind-blowing stunts or leaps in film-making technology."

Not once did I suggest this was high culture. It wasn't back in 1997 either, but still people didn't act like a bunch of morons.

"Think about it.... why else would a movie like this get released in a theater in 2024?"

It was part of a Nic Cage retrospective. They showed several films from different genres. The same theater released The Mummy last year in honor of Brendan Fraser and people did not act like morons.

So no, not "OF COURSE". I expect that people chuckle at cheesy moments, which this movie certainly has (but nobody laughed at those), not to forcefully laugh out loud at random moments (every single close up or the mentioning of the word "face") based on some stupid drinking game list. They didn't laugh because they thought it was funny, they only did so because someone on the internet told them so. These tickets were not cheap and I've been to plenty of cheesy 80s and 90s movies in recent years and obnoxious behavior like this has NEVER happened before. It was not some kind of special screening of The Room or The Rocky Horror Picture Show, where you know this kind of stuff happens and the theater lets you know beforehand. No, these were just rude and egotistical Gen Zers who need to grow up and understand the world does not revolve around them. If you want to do a drinking game, then do it at home.


"Nick Cage retrospective"

And then compared it to the beloved "Brendan Fraiser" event.

You know what Cage is known for right? You that Nick Cage leans into his own over-the-top persona, and is in on the joke as well as all generations. So immediately right there you should know people buying tickets aren't going to be the same.

An Adam Sandler retrospective audience is automatically going to be different then a Daniel Day Lewis retrospective audience. It's the same.

So it comes down to the same thing.... what did you expect lol


You clearly have no clue what you're talking about. The retrospective was not all about camp. You think Nicolas Cage has only made cheesy, over-the-top drivel? You think any of them would laugh at Leaving Las Vegas? And no, I see no reason whatsoever to do a drinking game with one of Sandler's dramas.

Again, I've seen many older films at this same theater, some of them incredibly cheesy, and I've never experienced this obnoxious behavior before. So no, I had no reason whatsoever to expect this. Especially since the theater organizes special screenings to watch movies "ironically". This was not one of them, so don't act like an entitled brat, just because you're too simple-minded to decide for yourself what to like or not. Why does Face-Off even have a drinking game? It was obvious it didn't work, because they had to force themselves to laugh. "Ooh, a flying dove, I guess I have to laugh out loud now...hahaha?"

Right, so it's different just because you are in love with Brandan Fraser? What if I decided that Fraser is a hammy B-movie actor and to turn The Mummy in my personal drinking game? I bet you would cry like a little baby...


No you just sound absolutely butthurt about FUCKING FACE OFF.

Nick Cage doesn't just make over the top drivel. But Face off is definitely one.

When I buy tickets to an event, I know what I'm getting and I understand that people around me are not me and have the absolute right to also purchase tickets and laugh at A FUCKING CAMPY MOVIE.

Goddam, get over yourself


I simply asked if there was some kind of annoying drinking game around this movie. You were the one who took it personally and IMMEDIATELY jumped to the defense of egotistical, rude, obnoxious behavior and made all kinds of moronic assumptions about me. Yeah, entitled beeches piss me off, and rightfully so.

"When I buy tickets to an event, I know what I'm getting and I understand that people around me are not me and have the absolute right to also purchase tickets and laugh at A FUCKING CAMPY MOVIE."

And that's typical egotistical, rude, obnoxious Gen Z behavior. It shouldn't even matter what kind of movie it is, you are in public and have to take others into consideration, especially when they've paid good money. And learn how to read, you illiterate, I never said nobody could laugh. It's a whole different thing to turn it into a fucking drinking game just because you feel like it. You wanna laugh your fucking head off every time the word "bro" is said? Organize your own pathetic Face-Off party at home. And you weren't even there (or where you), so don't even act like you know what you're talking about.

"Goddam, get over yourself"

Grow up, move out of your mother's basement and get a job, you Zoomer incel.


No, but there's a drinking game about what a dumb fucking butthurt moron you are because "oh no somebody laughed during my precious viewing of FUCKING FACE OFF"

I'm pretty fucking drunk now, moron


"oh no somebody laughed during my precious viewing of FUCKING FACE OFF"

Not only are you illiterate, but you are also a moron. I didn't even vaguely suggest this. But hey, that's typical of you Zoomers.

"I'm pretty fucking drunk now, moron"

Yes, you illiterate moronic Gen Zrs usually are. It's the only way for you to get through life. That and stupid lists from the internet telling you what to like or not.

Lol, were your the bald incel guy sitting in front of me, who didn't even dare to laugh out loud anymore after I kicked his chair???🤣🤣🤣


I'm gen X, but you're too fucking stupid to realize it doesn't matter. It's a personal issue with just you, being a crusty old fart.

Stick to streaming movies in your bedroom, dumbass🤣



fucking baby.🤣🤡


Yes, that's exactly how you and the other Zoomers in the theater acted. Everybody else just has to sit there and accept your fucking obnoxious behavior


I'm sorry I didn't realize you're butthurt because you forgot to wear your Depends to the theater.



Sounds like you need another breastfeed from your mommy!🍼👶


You're the one that's being a baby about FUCKING FACE OFF!



Lol, it's the other way around, you illiterate moron. I simply asked if there was a drinking game and you immediately acted like a little snowflake baby whose feelings were hurt. "Waahaahaah, you don't like my stupid drinking game!"😭


Let me get this straight....

You asked "is there a drinking game" because you legitimately and earnestly thought there may be a drinking game that you didn't know about? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm not an alcoholic like you, so I don't how many random movies your kind has created drinking games for.🤷‍♀️


What gives you the impression I drink?

Other than you being a complete fucking moron?


You defend moronic, obnoxious drinking games, of course you're an alcoholic. The first step to sobriety, is to admit that. I know you can do it!


When did I defend drinking games?

Are you in the beginning stages of dementia?

Also.... are you equating drinking games with alcoholism? Like it's the same thing?

My GOD you're an fucking idiot. How did you survive so long?


So many moronic questions. It seems alcoholism has already destroyed that tiny little brain cell of yours.


Again, how am I an alcoholic? Do you know what that word means? Or did you just think it was a good insult?🤡🤡🤡


You admitted you were drunk and if you use lame ass made up drinking games as an excuse to drink, you're obviously an alcoholic.🤷‍♀️


🤣🤣🤣🤣 that dumb ass reply doesn't even deserve a response because of how stupid you just showed yourself 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣


Got no comeback, huh? Then be a good little lunatic and follow the nurse's orders.


"Durrrr drinking games is the dame as being an alcoholic durrrr. And stop laughing FUCKING FACE OFF!"

-your dumb ass🤦‍♂️🤣


So yes, you believe alcoholism is the same as drinking games.🤦‍♂️


You're an illiterate, an alcoholic and a lunatic. Life must be tough for you. Just do as the nurse says and take that blue pill!


Do you know what illiterate means, right?

Or is just one of those words you throw out because you think it's a clever response?

Fucking idiot.


Well, if you can't answer simple questions, that makes you to moron, doesn't it?🤡🤡🤡


No, it just makes those questions moronic.🍆


How is it moronic? You're using words in which you have no basis for, other than you believing its some clever comeback.

I'm questioning your use of those words. If you can't figure that out, or answer, you're a fucking moron. 👍


Your questions are moronic because they are either totally unrelated to the discussion or based on a complete misunderstanding of my posts and even your own.

Please try to keep your responses limited to one post. You remind me of another MC poster who also does that...


I don't give a fuck what you're reminded of.

It's not my fault you're too old to keep up.


Ah right, you're too moronic to put it all in one post. K 🍆


You realize you're
50% of each thread, right? Why you know you can just stop replying to them if it bothers you, right? Why would you need ask me to do that?
Fucking idiot🤦‍♂️


I wanted to give you a chance to act less moronic, but apparently you saw it as an opportunity to act even more moronic. None of your multiple replies made even the tiniest bit of sense. Congratulations.👍


Lol, what you just said was the stupidest thing yet. Let me summarize:

"Instead of me just quitting the thread I need to ask you to do it for me because I'm reminded of another user who also destroyed me in the comments."

Yet here you are, still replying to multiple threads 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Again, you're illiterate. I didn't ask you to quit the thread for me, I asked if you could keep your responses limited to one post, because it's simply moronic to spread it over multiple posts. It should be pretty obvious why I mentioned the other poster...🧦

My other reply related to another discussion, but I have no problem responding here: Again, you're illiterate. Read back my posts. I have no problem with drinking games. I said you defended obnoxious drinking games and that's why you're an alcoholic. Please, stop making a fool of yourself.



Nice backtracking. Sure, I totally believe you, fucking hypocrite.

And yeah, you still have complete power to ignore multiple threads. Don't have to blame me for that one.

And no, I'm not going to limit my responses, because you're an idiot crybaby and also because fuck you.🤣


Get your mommy and maybe she can read my posts to you, so you can find out I'm not backtracking on anything whatsoever.

You are a freaking loonie. Do you even see me responding to multiple "threads" right now?? As I said, I was just giving you a chance to be less of a moron. Only a complete and utter idiot would respond to the same post twice, instead of just editing their first reply. But go ahead and reply to every single post in this thread with your nonsense, if that's what you get off on.🍆


Yeah, sure... totally believe that's what you're "doing." Sure Jan.
Count how many threads there are and how many responses you've made in these threads AFTER bitching about how it reminds you of someone else🤣


Fucking old fart.





Why the fuck are you going on about "threads"? How drunk are you? I never said anything about "threads". I asked you to limit your responses to me to one post at a time, because you spreading your response over multiple posts was getting absolutely moronic. Un-fucking-believable, you fucking moronic troll. Are you really that desperate to make a fool of yourself?

#daltonisthe bestbondofalltime


You seriously don't know what a thread is?

FUCK you're old.

Get off this thread and go play
Bingo or scrapbook or some shit you're used to. Movie theaters and the internet are not for you.


Lol, you're the moronic troll who doesn't know the difference between a thread and a post.😂

I guarantee you that even those obnoxious GenZers would've kicked you out of the theater.

#daltonisthe bestbondofalltime


" A sequence or series of connected messages or posts on a forum, social media platform, or discussion board"

Which is what these each are. You. Fucking. Moron.

A post is a singular message, such as this one or beginning of the thread.

You. Fucking. Moron.

Is this REALLY what you've been reduced to? Semantics over "post" and "thread??"

Don't hurt yourself stretching so hard for shit to bitch about.
My god, you lost a long time ago🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's not about semantics, you freaking idiot. You didn't accidentally mix up the two words when you said this:

"Count how many threads there are and how many responses you've made in these threads AFTER bitching about how it reminds you of someone else"

You're clearly just an illiterate moron.🍆

#daltonisthe bestbondofalltime


I didn't mix anything up. There are multiple threads now under your post.

Then you bitched about it.

Then after bitching about it, you continued to reply under each separate thread, but not before telling me to stop doing it. Because apparently, reading separate posts is too difficult for your brain.

You're so confidently stupid!

Yes, and you're still just reduced to fucking semantics 🤣

That's how bad this is for you.


This is only one single thread we're posting in. But even if we go by your false logic, you're still a fucking illiterate moron, because I never said anything about responding to multiple threads or even posts. I was talking about responding multiple times to the same post, like you did right now. Only a moron would keep on doing that. You take the number one spot.


Hahahaha, wrong.

But keep stretching and backtracking like a fucking moron bitch!

You literally have nothing else. Just being an idiot because you can't deal with people in a theater laughing.


Is your lack of comprehension skill the result of no education or no brain cell whatsoever?

Not once did I backtrack and not once did I do any of the things you accuse me off. You simply make up shit because you're a troll who keeps losing every single day.


Yeah, you did.

And If you think Im a troll, that just makes you a fucking moron for feeding into it.

I've pretty much made you my bitch at this point. All you're doing is deflecting about what a dumb Karen you are. "Durrrrrr threads. Durrrrr posts. Durrrrrr"


hahahaha fucking Karen. How pathetic.


You're a troll in the sense that you've resorted to just making up complete shit because you know you already lost a long time ago.

What that basically means is that you are your daddy's bitch. Have fun!


No, you lost a long time ago. Now you've just resorted to repeating shit that I've already said because you can't even back track any more. Hahahahahahahaha fucking loser.



HAHAHA Now you have nothing but generic sex comments that have been around, well, since before you, old fuck. may as well break out the "yo mama" because that's how moronic you went. All because you can't handle being a fucking Karen!

HAHAHAHAHAHA, fucking loser. Made you my bitch!


I won the argument, because I didn't make up shit like you did. Now move on. Your daddy's waiting!🍆


He's too busy fucking you in the ass, right after you got fucked by me


Lol, you just can't stop making up shit! In your dreams, moron! Just imagine you're doing me, while fucking your mom!🤣🤣🤣

Can't stop yourself from double-posting either, you freaking idiot!😂


HAHAHAHA YOU LOVE THE COCK! ITs okay to admit it.


That's why you love this movie so much.. You like the idea that I can be fucking you in the ass and you can just pretend its somebody else doing it.


So that's what is! Dude, your tactics are all wrong. If you're into a lady, you have to whisper sweet words in her ear, not call her names.

But I'm sorry to disappoint you, I don't go for inbred morons like you.🤷‍♀️


You love the cock! right up your ass.


You know that scene where Nick Cage is high and he makes that wide eyed face? That's the same face you make when you're getting fucked by me all over this message board.


You're confusing me with your mom again.

Yes, I love cock. You don't seem to have one or is it microscopic?


You didn't notice the baseball bat sized thing protruding from your abdomen when I was sticking it in you?

hahahaha you're gay for me


So you're a lady with a dildo or something???


No No No, that's your mom. I know you really like "face off" but its not real. Get it right, moron!


Well, I shouldn't be surprised that one went straight over your tiny head...


No, I get you were trying to say I had no dick and had a dildo instead. But your dumbasss didn't realize I said you mistook your mom, who you thought was fucking you with a dildo (hence lady with a dildo) for me, because you enjoy the idea of us swapping faces while we take turns fucking you in the ass. Like in your favorite movie, Face Off.


Yeah, you didn't get it at all.


Your mom says shut up and grease up boy! You've been fucked all over this page.


YEEEHAW! right up your ass! I can tell you enjoy it!


Ewww, stop licking the dogs asshole. That's too far man. Now bend over and brace yourself.... this is really going to hurt bad!


Your sexual fantasies about me are getting out of hand. I told you to listen to the nurse and just take that damn blue pill!


Dude, stop DMing me about wanting to get children to fuck you in the ass too. that's too far. Not cool, man.


Yep, you REALLY didn't get it. Please ask the doctors to put you out of your misery.👍


I already told you....

5 year old boys is way too young. That's disturbing, I don't know why you told me that you couldn't wait to come on a 5 year old boys face and suck his dick after rubbing peanut butter on it.

That's so weird, dude. And it's also an allergy risk.

Seek help. Stop trying to show me pictures of the eight year old you diddled last night. Fucking disgusting.


Well, okay, just put yourself out of your misery. Here 🔫


You're the one that likes little boys.

You asked me to find one that looks like the kid in face off so you could cup his balls and lick the tip of of his penis. Youre so fucked up, dude.


Go suck this, you freaking pervert.🍆


Me? You're the one sending me private messages with all sorts of fucked up shit involving children. 🤣

I was happy not bringing up all this fucked up sex shit, but you just had to go there. That's completely on you so don't act like now it's too much for you🤣 Don't start on some thing you can't finish, dumbfuck.

And for the last time, no, I will not tell a five year old to cleavland steamer you. Dude, you're fucked in the head.


I love the sheer irony of you pretending you're so much more mature and resorting to daddy dick insults. You're fucking pathetic. I guess anything to avoid that all you're doing here is "WHAAAA MY PRECIOUS FACE OFF WHAAAA!"
Im sure Gen Z welcomes you into their club!


How does it feel to be the biggest moron on moviechat? It's a close race between you and avortac or moviechatuser967somethingorother.

You're such a fucking Karen, grandpa.



"But but but I paid money!"

Yeah so did they, Karen. And as far as I'm aware they didn't break any rules, unless being a stiff like you is part of the fine print.

Goddam what a self-important prick.


They paid to watch the movie, not to turn it into a private party. Duh!

"they didn't break any rules"

Actually, I could've gone up and made a complaint about disruptive behavior. But the point is that you and all you Zoomers should've been brought up with manners.

Lol, so you WERE that guy in front of me!😂


Yeah you could've complained, but you're such a fucking crusty idiot, you don't realize it just comes off as a crusty Karen bitching.

"Manager, they're being 'disruptive'"

"Ok, what are they doing?"

"They're laughing at FUCKING FACE OFF at parts where I don't think they should be laughing!"

"OK go sit down, dumbfuck."


I really hoped you would continue with this, because you know what's really, really funny? I called today to complain and they actually apologized for my unpleasant experience and offered me free tickets! Oh god, this is so so funny!🤣🤣🤣


Yes, because they know entitled Karen's like you are the absolute worst to deal with. They didn't do it out of sympathy, they did it to get you off their backs.

They hung up the phone and rolled their eyes.

ANY customer service person will tell you that🤣🤡

And don't act like you didn't embellish what happened, you old crusty liar🤣


Or maybe everybody else hates you Zoomers just as much as I do.🙂

Now listen to the nurse and take that little blue pill before they tie you to the bed.


Better change your Depends.

Your diaper rash is making you irritable. 🤡🤣


No, YOUR diaper rash is making all of us irritable. Now go be a good little troll and suck your daddy's dick.🍆


And since you don't have your reading glasses on I'm not a Z.

That's just something you keep saying to make yourself feel better.


No, you're a baby. Anyone can see that.


You're entire post is

"Whahhhhh people laughed during



Thanks for once again proving you're an illiterate moron.👍


Well, if that's the only thing you think you have, you can keep saying it if you like🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡


I have that and my money back. That's more than you have.🙂


Then what are you even bitching about??

You're just bitching because you're a fucking moron!

"I'm gonna go on moviechat and bitch about spending my money at a thing which doesn't matter anyway"🙄🤦‍♂️


It 's truly amazing how you call me butthurt and say I'm bitching about nothing and here you are posting again and again and again in my thread while being a crybaby and whining about...well...nonsense.

Makes you the moron, really.

Oja, en kanker op, kankermongool.


Don't blame me because you're a little bitch who can't handle other people in a theater. That's completely on you.


I’m sorry that this movie was ruined for you and I hope you can have a better viewing experience in the future. But… while this may not be your version of the The Room or The Rocky Horror Picture Show for a lot of people it is, and humour can vary a lot from person to person. When I think of 80s/90s cheese that audience will still engage with seriously, I think of Road House, The Lost Boys, Dirty Dancing or Big Trouble Little China. When I think of the type of viewing experience you’re describing, I think of Face Off. And since you acknowledge that this has never happened in any other screening you’ve been too, then maybe all of the GenZers didn’t suddenly become entitled for this one movie. They were just behaving in accordance with many peoples expectations.


They were just behaving in accordance with a lot of people expectations."

No, they were behaving according to their own egotistical needs. The Room and Rocky have special screenings where you know what to expect. I've gone to those myself and I've had no problem with that sort of behavior. And you can laugh at cheese, there's enough of that in this movie, but it's simply rude and selfish to turn it into a drinking game and FORCEFULLY laugh at random moments that are not funny. And it's obvious it's not a suitable movie for a drinking game. Just because it's Nic Cage, doesn't mean it automatically works. It was only obnoxious. And it had nothing to do with "humor", they were just basing it on a list (which I've actually found).

"And since you acknowledge that this has never happened in any other screening you’ve been too, then maybe all of the GenZers didn’t suddenly become entitled for this one movie"

That makes no sense. What it means is that they only went to see this movie, because the internet told them it's SOOO cool to go and turn it into a drinking game. They can't think for themselves


I’m not going to be drawn into a large argument like blindfolded. I read your thread. I think you're attributing too much blame onto people for, what is for a lot of people concerning Face Off, expected behaviour. That is all.

Again, sorry you had a bad viewing, but you cant read people's minds and say for a fact that they’re forcing themselves to laugh at the wrong moment for… reasons(?) I’d ask why you think my explanation makes no sense given that you admit it never happened before, but again, I’m not blindfolded.

Your only argument involves attributing behaviour to “the internet” - nothing specific, just “the internet” even though you have no way to prove that since the only way you could would involve mind reading skills…

If this is really so important to you, rent a projector and play it off of your laptop. You can have your own screening. No pesky giggling cabal of Gen Zers required! Also for someone who’s criticising other people for being immature, you're very quick to the name calling.


Well, his responses are very generic using nebulous terms like "internet" and "gen Z"
Meaning, his real issue is very much transparent.

Which is why I'm being amused poking him


I admire your spirit. But people like this aren't worth the time.


Yeah, you have a point


I see you like to fuck yourself, you moronic troll.🖕


Boy, you take my criticism very personally, I have to say.

"say for a fact that they’re forcing themselves to laugh at the wrong moment for… reasons"

Yes, I can. You weren't there. There was a clear difference between the forced laughs and the spontaneous laughs. They also followed a specific list, so it wasn't just "the internet". Search for the Face Off drinking game and you'll see it for yourself. I already explained why your explanation made no sense. I can't help it if you don't understand it.🤷‍♀️

"Also for someone who’s criticising other people for being immature, you're very quick to the name calling."

I see, the other guy started with the personal attacks, but you have no problem with his behavior simply because you agree with him. Alrighty then...🍆


Let's see first personal attack on this thread was talking about how I would "cry like a little baby." Which was you.

Now I challenge you to find something before that that would considered a so-called "personal attack."

Or are you just being butthurt?


Let's see first personal attack on this thread was talking about how I would "cry like a little baby."

My god, if you consider that a personal attack, no wonder you've been acting like butthurt douchebag. Per your own advice: Goddamn, get over yourself.


So what do you consider a personal attack, (a notion that you brought up here, not me)

Because I was just speaking facts before that. And for some reason, that made me a baby? Why would you bring up the word baby if you weren't saying something about me personally?🤔


"Because I was just speaking facts before that."

That's a good one, I have no problem with a whole theater full of Gen Zers laughing obnoxiously at that!😂

Your reply to that post contains at least 2 personal attacks.

You really are illiterate. "Cry like a baby" is an expression, I had not called you a baby whatsoever at that point. But you obviously are.

En sterf aan de kanker, gore kankerlijer.


Which were the personal attacks? Or are you just being sensitive?


1.I don’t care about your criticism of Face Off. It’s Face Off. Also… I took it personally because I don’t want to engage with you for as long as blindfolded? Is this some weird old wives tale, “he teases you because he likes you,” type logic?
2. List doesn't equal fake. You mentioned the list on its own, separate from the internet. This makes it seem like you have two separate complaints. You also focused more on the internet in your argument. Unless you believe the list originated from the ENTIRE internet, then thats one hell of a confusing way to refer only to a list.
3. Spontaneous and forced are irrelevant, and even if they weren't, it's not something you can prove. For example, I think you're arguing right now because you enjoy arguing, not because you care that much about Face Off. Face Off! But I wouldn't repeat that assumption as fact to others because my interpretation isn't some all-important cosmic law.
4. Blindfolded was respectful in their first post. However, you responded by calling the audience obnoxious, rude, and morons. You escalated things with aggression. My point about maturity wasn't directed at them, it was for you. Also... an eggplant, really?
5. Holy Gish Galloping Batman!
6. I can see that this is only going in circles.. this will be my last reply.


"he teases you because he likes you,” type logic?

If that's your logic, then I'm sorry...

I said forced laughter, not fake. And yes, it's very noticable when laughter is forced. Are you autistic or something?

I proved it with a list, and I certainly don't have to prove it to you. Your direct accusation against me is utter nonsense and certainly needs to be backed up.

"However, you responded by calling the audience obnoxious, rude, and morons."

Oh Jesus fucking Christ, go fuck yourself, Kowalski/DeliciousFeet, you fucking troll. Was he in the audience? No. That might be one of the most idiotic things you've ever said.

"this will be my last reply."

Yeah, go fuck off to filmboards, you fucking troll.🍆

Yes, we already know you're a freaking crybaby, Davros. No need to shout it from the rooftops with those freaking emojis down below, you freaking moron.





It must have become Trendy to like the work of Nick Cage. Face/off was one of the greatest moviegoing experiences of my life in the summer of 1997.


It's a cheesy and campy film, for sure. There are unintentionally funny moments, but only a bunch of morons would decide to force a really lame drinking game (not like The Room) unto an entire theater.


Oh dear God how? Take a drink every time a character laughs uncomfortably? There's a lot of scenes where that happens in Face/off.


Every time there's a close up. Every time the word "face" or "bro" is said. Every time a character strokes another character's face. It's the lamest drinking game ever. It was also obvious it didn't work, they couldn't even keep up.


They didn't give that much thought. Sounds Lame.


It was, it really was. The drinking game of The Room is awesome, though, especially with Scotchka involved.🙂


Did you just promote drinking games, you alcoholic? Or are you just a fucking dumb hypocrite?



I defended a GOOD drinking game, that's right. See, that's why I can call you illiterate, you kankerlijer .🙂


Nope, you changed the parameters of everything you previously said. You fucking oldest hypocrite on the internet.🤣

So, no, you don't understand what "illiterate" is. Fucking moron


I’ll tell you a silly story I remember seeing this movie back in the theater when I was around 7 or 8 with my parents. I didn’t know what movie I was going to see. The whole time this movie started I thought I was watching a movie trailer because I didn’t know what movie I was gonna to watch. I remember seeing a bunch of shootouts and explosions ,and something about switching faces.
I thought to myself “wow this is going to be one hell an action movie.”

Next thing I remember was seeing Nicolas Cage’s Character trying to escape the prison being chased by a helicopter he jumps in the air in slow motion into the water.

It was at that moment that realized I was watching the movie the whole time. I’ll admit I was blown away by action at that time especially with the incredible boat chase near the end of the film. When I watched it again when I was older I thought it was a little ridiculous and over the top at times ,but I still had a fun time watching it though.


Lol, that's a funny story.😁

It IS a ridiculous movie, but if you just allow yourself to go along with it, it's entertaining. Especially the performances by Cage and Travolta make it work.


I totally understand people laughing in a comedy, but Face/Off is far from that.

I'm so glad I don't have to endure North American theatre audiences. The amount of noise they make is ridiculous.


This was The Netherlands, unfortunately. We have a lot of wannabes here who desperately want to be Americans, hence the stupid drinking game.


Absolute wankers.


Not surprised, honestly. This movie is ridiculous. And it was ridiculous back then.

I like this movie. But them trying to pretend they can make Cage from Travolta by just switching faces is idiotic. Travolta is like twice bigger then Cage. It always bothered me with this movie the most. At least they should have cast actors of similar shape and physic.

They really should have gone with some "mind transfer". It would look more believable.


The movie is absolutely ridiculous, that wasn't my point. If you want to do your own personal drinking game, then do it in the privacy of your own home. Laughing out loud at every single close up is annoying and not even funny. Lamest drinking game ever.

I think even setting it in the future would've made it a little more believable.


I found this article on the subject of a drinking game for Face/Off and I thought I'd share.

"Take a drink when"

There’s a close up on a character’s face
There’s a close up on old technology
Sean rubs another character’s face
Castor makes a ridiculous noise or randomly shouts a word mid-sentence
You hear the word “peach” or “bro”
Something that looks physically impossible happens
You see Sean’s scar
You recognize an actor in their younger years

"Take a shot when"
The Face/Off procedure occurs
The prison security system experiences a system overload

"Chug Your Drink When"
The song “Over the Rainbow” plays

This seems better than the drinking game you played in theaters. I'd also add to take a drink anytime a character laughs uncomfortably. That happened a lot in the movie.


*I* did NOT play a drinking game in any theater.


Well you may not have participated but I remember your post and thought I'd share this article I found.


To me it seemed they were playing that particular game, which, believe me, did not work at all.
