Elizabeth Hurley and her lack of talent

The scene in the bedroom seems like really bad community theatre. Her excessive and unnecessary laughter was so almost painful to watch. For the most part, other that this, she does a pretty good job.

And you sittin' there waitin' for him, just like a spider.


She's gorgeous so I don't care.


She was perfectly cast in this. The OP's mojo must be on the blink.


Beauty is not talent


Shes suppose to be bond girl type. I found Liz more convincing than an actual bond girl like Denise Richards


She did fine, I thought, certainly a lot better than the forthcoming actresses who played the love interests in the sequels.


To the OP, load of rubbish, the Hurley is great in this movie, shame you don't recognise it.


- I've seen things you people wouldn't believe -


rewatched it last night for the first time in years and was surprised that her performance really isn't that bad. plus she looks very good


I respectfully disagree. I think she is a solid actress.


You mean the scene where her character is drunk? Seemed fitting to me.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.


I think she has a lovely pair of talents.

Working in the movie business since -92


She's an ugly, post-wall horseface with annoying voice and accent, but that's just perfect for a movie like this, where a monotone talentless hack like her serves as the necessary contrast for Austin's wild wackiness and colorfulness.

If every actor in the movie was good, they might overshadow Mike Meyers, so the duller and worse actor, the better.


You making being gay seem so unpleasant.


Maybe she was going for that bad acting that we see from female characters in those secret agent movies.
