MovieChat Forums > Scream (1996) Discussion > Is Sidney Prescott the best 'final girl'...

Is Sidney Prescott the best 'final girl'?

I'd rank her above Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Sally Hardesty, Kirsty Cotton, Julie James and all the Friday the 13th final girls.

I like Jess Bradford a lot but given that's a one film role I'd say Sidney gets the nod.

These are pretty much all slasher films (barring Hellrasier)... I guess if you look to other films then Ellen Ripley would probably be the best.

Who are your picks for best final girls in horror?


Sorry, I've got to go with Laurie Strode.


Laurie is so fucking boring.


For me it comes down to Sidney or Laurie Strode. Tough call. But Sidney certainly engages me more.


Not by a long shot.

Black Christmas.
F13 pts. 1 and 2
My Bloody Valentine
all had better final girls.


I've gotta put Nancy above Sidney, only because she literally fought against an evil supernatural force and won at like age 15, at least Sidney was 17 and only had to fight two deranged teens. I don't think Sidney can be compared to really any of the girls who've fought supernatural beings, but she's such a memorable character, it's hard not to love her the most.


Nancy, Sidney and Jamie Lloyd are the best.


Limiting it to first appearances I'd give it to Laurie Strode, but the Halloween sequels make her more and more of a nervous wreck to the point ridiculousness.

Including followup appearances it's definitely Sidney. It's interesting to note that when we first see her she's already something of a survivor, having dealt with the murder of her mother. I also love how especially after the initial trilogy it's apparent that Sidney has more or less completely moved on from all the murders and that overall they've long since stopped being what she's shaped her life around. They're just, like, these annoying events she has to deal with every few years.


Tie between sidney and that girl at the end from Texas chain saw massacre, didn't think she was gonna make it out
