MovieChat Forums > Scream (1996) Discussion > A good horror film trick question

A good horror film trick question

“Who was the first person killed in scream?”

Most people are probably going to say it was Casey but it was actually Steve


Fair, some haven't seen it in so long or whatever that she's who they remember. Sad for Steve to be a footnote. Also interesting is that Casey was asked who was the killer in Friday the 13th, and she said Jason, and I've always felt like that was a trick question too, she'd be rushing to answer and trip up.

Though, you could argue that the first victim was Maureen Prescott, especially depending on how they word it


The guy who plays Steve auditioned for the role of Billy. If he had gotten the part he would've been the last person killed. Just a useless bit of information.


Right but Maureen Prescott was killed before the movie started. And people might just refer to Casey as Drew Barrymore, still a wrong answer.


That's why I said it could depend on wording. "Which character was the first to be murdered within the history of the Scream franchise?" A bit clunky I know, but if you're choosing to view it as the history of the characters, and not just what we've seen on-screen, could argue for Maureen. Could still argue for Steve. Of course how the OP wrote it, yes, Steve, and I understand that was likely their intent. I was just having a bit of fun.




Another trick question is, "How many people die in Scream?" Most would say five thinking only of the victims, but the answer would be seven, since you'd have to include Billy and Stu as well.

Another is, "How many people from the original Scream return in the sequel?" Most would say four (Sidney, Randy, Dewey, and Gale), forgetting that Cotton actually had one quick scene in the first movie as well.


Nice one 👍

Reminds me of another (not Scream related); Who was the first Hammer vampire to show their fangs on screen? Most people would say Christopher Lee in Dracula (1958 - Hammer's first vampire movie), but it was actually Valerie Gaunt in the same scene, about five seconds earlier.
