MovieChat Forums > The Usual Suspects (1995) Discussion > My version of what 'really' happened *Sp...

My version of what 'really' happened *Spoilers*

Verbal/Soze and the suspects go through the photo line up, which Soze possibly arranged to size them up for...
...the New York's Finest Taxi Service heist. Shortly after the lineup and before the heist, Verbal drops the cripple act and reveals who he really is to Keaton and the others. Soze convincs or coerces the suspects to do the New York's Finest heist, which transpires at least roughly as Verbal/Soze tells Kujan it happened.
Soze and the suspects head out to L.A. to fence the emeralds and cash and then has them kill Saul Berg and his bodyguards.
Either before or after the Berg hit, Soze convinces the suspects to kill the men on the boat. 'Kobayashi', whoever he really is, and 'Redfoot', whoever *he* really is, enter the picture and perhaps other men working for Soze. They all convince the four suspects that Soze is serious. Except Fenster who tries to back out and is murdered.
The meeting between Kobayashi and the suspects in the billiards room never happens, and nor does the later scene where the suspects corner Kobayashi in the high rise while posing as maintenance workers.
The boat job happens more or less as we see it, with Soze shooting Hockney on the dock and killing everyone on the boat before blowing it up.
Soze reverts to his Verbal Kint act and is arrested.

Oh, and the backstory involving Soze wiping out his own family before going after all his enemies and *their* families is all bullshit.



I was with you til that line about Keyszer Soze not actually killing his family. That just makes him less cool.


I don't know about cool, but it certainly makes him a hell of a lot more fearsome and unbeatable.


very possible


All possible, but I don't see why we can't assume everything went down just like we were shown (except for some of the players' names).

It all fits with the evidence we're left with at the end, and it all serves Söze's purposes (punishing "the usual suspects" who stole from him, bringing down NY's Finest, killing Saul Berg and killing Marquez the snitch).

I don't see any reason to assume otherwise.
