Racist film

No black characters in it.


Not enough Gingers


Wow - the replies to this thread aged badly!

Of course it should have actors of all ethnicities in it. Even in the 1990s I'm sure we were all aware we were watching FILMS as opposed to historically accurate documentaries.

Jeez, I mean there wasn't even kilts in the days of Wallace but hey that's ok as long as we keep black actors out of films yeah? 😂


"WAAH black people are ENTITLED to be in every movie WAAHHH"

Such fragility.


LOL. There's a difference between entitlement and fair representation.

More a case of black people are not entitled to be KEPT OUT of every movie.

That would be a case of what we call racism...


Do you spout the same nonsense about Hong Kong cinema? Why are there not many Spaniards in kung fu movies? Why are you not crying about the representation of Thai people in Bollywood? If you honestly cared about "fair representation" then you would but you don't because you're a liar.

"WAAAH muh racism WAHH!"


No I don't. But then I was responding specifically in THIS thread about THIS film.

I'm not some sjw here, I'm just pointing out the obvious fact of how poorly this thread had aged.

And unfortunately, given your sad attempts to defend the undefendable, all your "waaaahing" just comes across as "waaaaah, I don't won't to see black people in MY films". It's hilarious!


What's undefendable (protip, it's "indefensible") about Braveheart not having black characters? What is "fair representation"? From my understanding black people make up roughly 10-15% of the US population, seems to me they are massively OVERREPRESENTED in Hollywood. Cry more.


Again, we are talking specifically about THIS film and the zero representation in THIS film and the poor excuse of historical "accuracy". All in a film featuring Mel Gibson and hundreds of Scots in kilts when there weren't any at that time! But, hey that's ok, as long as there aren't any non whites in it, eh? 😂

Seriously, by this logic are you equally offended by seeing white actors in futuristic sci-fi productions?

Are you spitting your chips out in the same manner, waaaaahing about that too, going "but, but... There won't be any racially pure white people hundreds of years in the future, so this is unrealistic to the time period, bla, bla, boo, hoo..."


Cool story bro


Glad you enjoyed it. Share it at your next Klan meeting 👍


Yawn. Racist this, racist that, racist everything. Way to make people stop caring about real issues of racism by diluting it with your drivel.
Just out of curiosity are you black?


"I'm not some sjw here"

LOL yes you are


Fair representation? In Scotland 1290-1314? Fuck off


LOL. You found yourself a time machine dude and are posting this message from back in fourteenth century? 😂

No, I didn't think so...


Way to miss what I was saying. Fair representation for the time period is exactly that. If you disagree lets make a movie about Shaka Zulu with a white guy in the lead roll


I didn't miss what you were saying, I was attempting to lampoon the stupidity of it (no offense).

We are not making films in the fourteenth century, we are making them now.

Funnily enough, I made that very point about Zulu in another thread months ago:-

Exactly. This is what these good, honest, guardians of history / definitely not racists need to understand.

Just wait until the inevitable remake of Zulu comes along and Michael Caine and all the rest of his heroic Imperialist British Empire Officer buddies have been replaced by Michael B Jordan, John David Washington, etc.

When we are all cheering them on as they blast down hordes of white spear wielding savages, they will be spraying out their coffee, proclaiming "No, no, stop the film! This is an affront to historic accuracy! These chaps would have been the blacks and the officers gunning them down would have been white, this is ALL WRONG! For historical accuracy's sake we simply MUST see whites gunning down blacks!!!" but by then it will be too late.

No one will even listen to their genuine argument of the merits of racial segregation of actors for the sacred good of historical accuracy as they will long since have been discredited by any remotely moderate thinking person as racists for moping over the casting in fantasy productions such as this.

One which has the girl from Stranger Things playing the later day fabricated teenage sister of the world's most famous Detective; adapted from a children's novel which itself rips off fictional works from over a century ago


"I simply MUST see black people in EVERYTHING or it's MUH RACISM"

You make shitty posts Mr Totally Not An SJW Honest


The stupidity would be putting a black person in 1300 Scotland, or making the founding fathers black like in Hamilton.

Maybe if you blacks had some interesting history, fables, myths, legends etc People would want to see them and you wouldnt have to black wash ours.


I think a black Anne Boleyn would be pretty stupid also, oh wait that's already happening too!




And black people are not entitled to be in every movie either


Australians are fine

Affairs with french a princess who was a newborn infant at this time - good

Painted faces that were hundreds of years out of date - nae bother

Kilts that were seven hundred years ahead of their time - sweet

But a dark fellow asked to play a part in this juvenile fantasy? Not on your life pal. We have integrity.


Ha ha, exactly! Well said...


Can't all of you black fetishists just get your fix from BET or something?


what an idiot AngryMan53 seems to be
