MovieChat Forums > Frasier (1993) Discussion > Bebe: The Hilarious Superagent From Hell

Bebe: The Hilarious Superagent From Hell

It seems like every sitcom has a "most valuable player" of a recurring guest star who perks up the place immeasurably when they show up. They can't be used ALL the time -- or we would tire of them -- but when they do show up, they're welcome.

Like Puddy on Seinfeld.

Or Bebe on Frasier.

Harriet Harris plays Bebe in matching accord with the supercilious over-erudition of Frasier and Niles Crane -- but adding in her own over-the-top sass and arrogance. The gag that emerged over the years is that Bebe usually lies about everything and puts "her favorite client"(he isn't) Frasier at great professional peril as she pushes his career but -- she pretty much usually wins and gets him the raise or the great guest shot or pretty much whatever he needs. Its just that if another client is hotter -- she dumps Frasier without a care in the world -- until she needs him back.

And one time(that I'm award of) she had sex with him. Bebe middle-aged, toothy and a bit "young grandmotherish," but you can see that her massive energy level and reasonable attractiveness COULD make her a good bed partner. As she says of her one night stand with Frasier, the lovemaking "was like Greco-Roman wrestling on a trampoline!"

Is it of any consequence that the character's name -- Bebe -- is the real name of the actress who played Frasier's ultra-snobbish and intelligent ex-wife Lilith?(Bebe Neuworth.) Perhaps. Good in-joke.

And evidently Harriet Harris attended Julliard WITH Kelsey Grammar.

Oh, well. She's great on the show. A "villain you love to hate, with a heart of gold." I mean, who else would literally go out on a ledge(to feign a threatened suicide jump)...just to help Frasier with his contract negotiations?


It's not like she [Bebe] worships the Devil.

She doesn't have to. He worships her!




Never cared for the cross over episodes.


I may be wrong, but in citing the "cross over episodes" -- maybe you are referring to the ones where the actress Bebe Neuworth returned to play Frasier's ex, Lilith?

I found that a matter of confusion in that the character "Bebe" was a different character -- Frasier's nutzo shark-like agent.

I wonder if Bebe was named such in honor of ....Bebe?


I like Poppy in Seinfeld. Those episodes were hilarious. Not many of them though.


""""It seems like every sitcom has a "most valuable player" of a recurring guest star who perks up the place immeasurably when they show up. They can't be used ALL the time -- or we would tire of them -- but when they do show up, they're welcome.""""

Lilith has to be the best all time recurring guest star.


Bebe was an acquired taste for me. But she did grow on me especially in the episode when she tried to quit smoking to marry the elderly and wealthy new station owner.
In a way she reminds me of a female version of Taxi's Louie de Palma who was more polished and sophisticated.

I think it's quite an acting skill to play a largely amoral, self centered character and still come across as likable.
