Any fans out there?

I caught this movie on cable and decided to watch... since Brad Pitt (fight club) and kim Basinger (LA Confidential) and Gabriel Byrne (Usual Suspects) were the lead roles i thought for sure it would be worth a watch. What i found was a crappy copy off of Roger Rabbit except not nearly as funny or whimsical. I remember wanting to see the movie as a kid because i thought the cartoon version of Kim Basinger looked hot. And that, my friends, is the extent of this movie: 3 good actors acting terribly, and one hot cartoon chick who doesnt even strip for the cameras. So i was just wondering if there was ANYONE who actually LIKED this movie?? If so, please reply.


Still a fan...... This movie is a somewhat guilty pleasure... It's not great but is fun mostly


I don't like the movie very much at all. But I LOVE the concept:

You're a cartoonist. You've spent years of your life writing stories about this weird alternative universe that you **think** came to you from your imagination. But for all this time, all of the characters you've been drawing, all of the buildings, all of the roadsigns and storefronts and cars and people, are real. You didn't imagine any of it. Somehow these things implanted themselves into your mind, as if they were trying to recruit you to become their prophet, or their gateway into your own world. Who knows what they want, or what will happen once the two worlds come into contact?

And maybe at some point, after coming to grips with the reality of what you thought you made up, you realize that you wouldn't have been able to write much of anything if not for this weird world popping up in your head. Maybe you realize that, prophet or not, deep down you're just a hack. :)

Oh wait, that might have been the concept for a **good** film. :)


Great movie!


This is a future cult classic. There are going to be songs written about Frank's love for Lonette. Talk about star crossed lovers. In ten years time it will have a rating over six, another ten it will have over seven, mark my words. I will eat my proverbial hat if this doesn't happen.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..." - Roy Batty, Blade Runner


i am a fan of the movie, have been since i was kid. I used to watch it all the time, when cynicism doesnt play into the movies you watch and you enjoy them for the entertainment factor. Yes it maybe similar to Who Framed Roger Rabbit? but in truth its not. Cool World is its own movie.

I consider it like the other side of the live action/cartoon coin
Roger Rabbit being the childish side, Cool World being the adult side

Thats the problem with people, everybodies gotta nitpick because a movie that looks SIMILAR in style to another, more popular, but is nothing like the other movie.

Granted i would have rather seen the original version of this movie that was more of a live action/cartoon/horror movie, if the trivia for this movie can be trusted


Good God this thread was started a decade ago!

"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone


so? the movie came out more than 2 decades ago.
Someone wanted to express how the movie feels to them.
Is there a time limit on that?

Good God look at the ratings on this very interesting film. That is what i'd say---
It's a 7.5 at the least---


And finished! 💕 #holliwould #coolworld #artcommissions #commissionsopen #artcommission #artcommissionsopen #commission #commissions #myart


Sort of...?

Cool World is maybe the ultimate Ralph Bakshi movie. What do I mean by that? Well, it's raunchy, zany, crazy, dark, reeks of classic animation style, has its own Bakshi vibe, and uses rotoscope. It's got a tonne of potential, somewhat realised, and I like it as much for what it could be as for what it is.

A lot of Bakshi's work I wind up going, "That was really INTERESTING...I'm gonna be thinking about this for a long But, also, that felt uneven and maybe it could have been better..."

I am a fan of Bakshi's work, but it's strange stuff and it's his world and you're just there for the ride. A lot of times his budgets betray him a little bit and held him back... But y'know, he's a pretty great artist. He does what he wants (studio meddling on Cool World notwithstanding), he's brash, he makes bold choices, and he makes me feel and think, so...what else is there to want?


I just watched it recently and liked it except for the weird sex scene between Jack Deebs and Toon Holli Woid. Other than that it was fun. I liked all the random toons that appeared in all those scenes.
