Any fans out there?

I caught this movie on cable and decided to watch... since Brad Pitt (fight club) and kim Basinger (LA Confidential) and Gabriel Byrne (Usual Suspects) were the lead roles i thought for sure it would be worth a watch. What i found was a crappy copy off of Roger Rabbit except not nearly as funny or whimsical. I remember wanting to see the movie as a kid because i thought the cartoon version of Kim Basinger looked hot. And that, my friends, is the extent of this movie: 3 good actors acting terribly, and one hot cartoon chick who doesnt even strip for the cameras. So i was just wondering if there was ANYONE who actually LIKED this movie?? If so, please reply.


Hey guys,
Tune into our special podcast on Director Ralph Bakshi with tons of trivia, reviews, music from his films, interviews and more.
He`s X rated and animated.

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Not anybody I
A truely awful film...Ralph lost the plot with this one...

I just bought the soundtrack cd for GBP1.31 from ebay which should tell you something...and even that doesn't have the only saving grace of Papua New Guinea by Future Sound Of London on it which appeared in the film, only the music from the Mark Isham score...

Carpe Discum



Big fan of this movie. I admit it has a few technical and structural flaws, but it has some really unique visuals and a warped, complex storyline the likes of which I hadn't seen before.

I thought Bassinger and Byrne had some great scenes - the two of them arguing in the car as Byrne becomes increasingly frustrated at Bassingers "I'll do what I want" attitude was a favourite, among others. Brad Pitt looks a little uncomfortable acting in front of a blue screen, but he plays his role well enough for what is pretty much unabashedly a B movie.

Strange, sexy, original and even funny- though not always "haha" funny- I thoroughly enjoyed Cool World.

I'm sellin my soul to the Devil in you


Well, I had first encountered Ralph Bakshi's films when I was a teenager; I don't know how old, but I started with "The Lord of The Rings;" then "Wizards" (that film became my favorite Bakshi film); and then I watched on YouTube :
· Fire & Ice,
· Cool World,
· Heavy Traffic (though part 5 was removed and part 3's audio wasn't on), and
· Hey Good Lookin' and it was the same; only part 6 was removed.

So I do admit now that Ralph Bakshi is an artistic genius, and Cool World is a great animated/live action movie (I don't see why it sucked), sure it's not much of a Comedy, but it is high on Fantasy to me; and I also loved "Wizards," "Fire & Ice" and "Hey Good Lookin'."

*nya* *purr*


It seems that nobody on this site likes this film, which is so strange considering there are people on here that defend movies like epic movie, but regardless I think 'Cool World' is a great film. Like a modern day prometheus. I'm not sure why people compare this to Roger Rabbit, it's a different style of film, just because it incorporates live action with animation doesn't mean it's a rip off.

The acting isn't great, I admit that, but the artwork blows your mind, and it's appeal lies in the story and dark, dirty world of an artist. It's a little expressive, and it works amazingly. I don't often defend films because I expect most people won't understand, film is subjective, like all art - but having no one defend this film made me want to defend it somewhat. Sure its flawed, but I think it adds to the charm.

I will also add that I grew up with this film, having cartoon elements meant it was in the children's section, and my mum never screened the films I rented with her, so I grew up with a healthy appreciation for the female form, hehe. Perhaps thats why I think its a great film, but I am also a filmmaker and have studied film, and from that point of view I still think its great. Sure technically its outdated, but so are a million other films. It deals with a lot of issues, creative and real, and no matter how unskilled the film crew may have been, etc, the film at its core is good.


This movie can best be described as untapped potential. All the elements for a great film are present, they just aren't put to good use. I can't be the only one who expected more from the supporting cast, i.e. Sparks, Bob the drag queen, perhaps a Lonnie/Holli showdown, etc.

"Ted Kennedy has killed more people than second-hand smoke ever will."




you know it's funny, for the longest time i had bad feelings towards this movie (and had never seen it, just thought it was degrading to women and creepy as a concept because kids ended up seeing this thinking it was an actual 'cartoon.')

BUT...I finally saw some of it (can't find the whole movie) and from what i saw i like it. why? because there is a story line. i can feel holli wood's pain. she wants to be in his real world. she wants him to accept him as real and she wants him to take her there. he doesn't. some of us gals have felt like we are put in another category and put in a guys "other world." much like a cartoon world. a fantasy world. But much like in the film....when sex comes into the picture everything changes. suddenly after a while, the girl starts to look like a real human being...and the guy either leaves because he cannot handle that or he stays and tries to accept her as a human he can keep having sex with this film there is that rule that warns the guys that if they have sex with a cartoon their world will change and that you can never go back.

the moral is that it is very hard to have a 'fantasy' live in a real world. just as it is very hard to have 'reality' in a complete fantasy world. the only place where this seems to work out is in a 'cool' world. i think the reason this is called 'cool world' is because it's a world that's not completely made up of fantasy characters. fantasy and 'real' people can live there together. so it's neither complete fantasy or's just a cool place, somewhere in between the two worlds.


I just watched the movie, I specifically came back here on the forums to say that this was NOT a good film and that this was a BAD film. Everyone here who is defending it to the extreme must've been high or stoned whilst watching it.

Seriously, this film was not good. Without going into an essay and it being 4am here, the only positives I can say about this film was the soundtrack and the artwork (not the animations!). The story and everything else can only be appreciated through the status of it being a cult classic.


I heard of this film a while ago, and caught the last half-hour of it on TV earlier. I was surprised to find that I actually quite liked it, given how bad the reviews have been, and I do want to see the rest of it. To be honest I'm not sure what it was about the film that I liked (and I can definitely see why others would hate it so much), only that something about it just really worked well for me, despite (or maybe even because of) it being so horrifically flawed. I think the grotesqueness of it just adds to its feel, and somehow it all just works in a way that no other film like this could. Either way, I'm glad that I found it, and I definitely hope to see it again soon, even if very few others seem to share that opinion!


"The captain has NO need for biscuits!"
Bleeder and proud!


ah man ive been a fan since i saw it on tv i love it

Live To Love
Gibbs Quote "what do you got for me abs"


I am so glad to have found more fans of this movie on this board. I loved this movie at the theatre, I was one of the first to buy the DVD full price when it came out, and I watch the DVD on a regular basis just because "it makes me feel good", for reasons I probably can't understand, just like many others on this board have said.

The music is cool, I think the animation is superb (wierd wavy buildings, good colors, fast expressive random corny gags from the cartoon characters, what's not to like? <grin>). I know the acting leaves to be desired, but only if you decide to take this movie seriously. I like to imagine the actors were just having fun. I know I have fun watching, I'm happy to find out I'm not alone as a fan who also wishes this would become a cult classic. Doodle-on!! Peace!!


I seldom comment on films but I've just been introduced to CW and I love it! I can totally understand how it divides opinion, it's not going to be to everyones taste. Ok, it's lowbrow pulp - but it's knowing lowbrow pulp. Ralph Bakshi is a great animator and I love how this film references the golden age of cartoons. Argh, I dont know what to say, it's not a great story but it's a great examination of animation and I'll certainly recommend it to all the illustrators and cartoonists I know. It's a film for animators and cartoonists, I think.


I agree, terrible movie with only one redeeming quality: Holli Would was hot.


I watched it recently, I at first excepted it to be bad from the rating it got. But boy I was surprised how good it actually was to watch. Sure it was weird at a couple parts. But ignoring those, I found it highly watchable. Something animation fans might like but still something to rent first before consider owning it.

Never talk trash about George Lucas. EVER!


I saw it in the movies. I actully paid for this piece of crap movie. I only saw it once and, that was enough. I guess I can see how it would have a small cult following but it gave me a headache and I love Gabriel Byrne. He's the reason I
went to see it in the first place!
