MovieChat Forums > Beethoven (1992) Discussion > Disturbing kid movies

Disturbing kid movies

What's the freakiest kids movie you've seen? I can remember being freaked out by some of the dream sequences in the Brave Little Toaster, but the villain in Beethoven was really disturbing, especially with the whole stealing/killing dogs thing.


You thought Beethoven was bad the movie Bingo has a roadside bbq joint that kidnaps and kills dogs to feed to road travelers and the dad says "Nothing a little mustard can't fix" and oddly enough it isn't really disturbing at all. Ooh Hollywood magic how wicked you are


This movie isn't anything that a kid can't handle. Yeah dogs are stolen but things turn out all right in the end. You can't shelter kids forever, they need to understand that there are bad people in the world. This also didn't deserve a PG rating, it should have been rated G. Films like Edward Scissorhands and Indiana Jones deserve a PG (PG-13 shouldn't exist, there is no need for it).


Oh the freakiest kid movie I ever saw was The Peanut Butter Solution, not that it was scary or disturbing, just weird.



What are you talking about? My brother and I loved Beethoven while growing up! We even watched the sequel!

You want disturbing, try watching "Little Monsters." Now that was a disturbing "kid's" movie.


Some scary moments from movies I remember as a kid:
- the part in The Lion King when Simba is running through the branches and Rafiki pops out
- Christopher Lloyd’s character in Dennis the Menace
- the part in Back to the Future Part II when Marty finds his dad’s grave and Doc is in an insane asylum in the newspaper
- the surreal black and white footage in Our Friend Martin


Well, stranger things have happened.


Also in case you care the movie is rated PG as in PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED. Meaning kids may need supervision if they are scared by a little blood or an animal abuse subplot.
