MovieChat Forums > Thelma & Louise (1991) Discussion > The man at the bar did not deserve to be...

The man at the bar did not deserve to be killed

It was too harsh. Yes, he was about to rape her, however, the situation was under control. The stupid *itch had the gun trained on him. They could have escaped and then called the police. A person has no right to take another person's life in their hands, unless their own live is in danger. Yes, she was reacting to a situation that she also encountered at another time in her life, but killing someone in not a good choice.

"Duh. You're the idiot. Not me."


Push comes to shove, can't let people walk over you. Guy's psychotic. What do you do? Protect yourself and the world from them. Sometimes there's not many other options. If they reported that guy, he could have 5-10 years for that if he got convicted and he would have continued as soon as he got out, probably more angrier.

I'd tell you I was bullied for 10 years the last time only 10 years ago, I'm still screwed up. Murder victims have it lucky. When they die, they don't feel pain anymore. Victims of bullies and rapists it still bothers us and nothing won't change that. So what's another set of lives saved and spared from hardship from one twisted son of a bitch, I'd say.


If you didnt already do it,let it go,forget the past,it doesnt exists anymore,dont look at that anymore. Only look forward,the past doesnt exists anymore,there is no reason to look at that. You're completely free from the past,you only have the future in your hands.


In real life, no he would not have deserved to get shot and killed.
But this is a movie.


That’s what adds to the tragedy of the story, in other circumstances she would have let the guy live, but due to years of suffering at the hands of terrible people she let her emotions and anger take control and pulled the trigger in a split second decision. They were forever doomed from that moment on. Everyday a lot of people are battling against that same decision.


Duh! If she'd clearly shot the dude in self-defense, she would have explained the situation to the police and no charges would have been filed, instead of going on the run.

The shooting had to be outside the legal definition of self-defense, for the plot about running away to develop.


Idk why this came up again, but too bad here's my 2 cents. This was her breaking point, and it was crucial not only to the story, but to her as a character. It wasn't a question of morality. Her overreaction to his behaviour, as well as how poorly she handled it afterward, was her reaching her breaking point, a mental final straw. It's interesting that, 6 years ago, she was a stupid bitch in your eyes and the guy was sympathetic. However, it's been 6 years - maybe you understand what it means to have had enough by now.


He *deserved* to have his junk shot off, but that'd be a really tricky shot, hitting a target that small, so she aimed centre-mass instead.
