MovieChat Forums > Total Recall (1990) Discussion > Do you think it was a dream or real?

Do you think it was a dream or real?

I think the events that happened in the movie were real, I think he did indeed go to Mars I don't know, what do you all think?? part of me says that it could of been a dream.


It's "real". It's true that Rekall never did actually implant their memories into him.

The fact that we see Melina and such back at Rekall - well, Quaid really did know those things from when he was Hauser, and the erase on him by the agency is breaking down. We're seeing what Quaid is seeing as he's drugged and the (total) recall is beginning to happen.

Think about the title of the film - Total Recall. That's what is real and is happening.


I prefer it to be real, that’s all I can say.

Although I’m intrigued by the dream aspect, I think the film gives enough evidence to confirm it all actually happened. But yes, I do like the ambiguity of it all.


I just watched it with the DVD commentary on. THe director says it was all a dream. It starts right after he's put to sleep. Literally everything that happens to him is what was included in the spy package he bought.

To be honest, it never occured to me. I thought everything really happened.


Way to confirm it was a dream if Freddy Krueger popped up at the very end.


It was too coherent of a story to be a dream.


It was a pipe dream.
