better than part II

after seeing them all, i thought this one was better and more enjoyable than part II, anyone agree?


Let's agree to disagree. Out of all 3 movies, I prefer part 2. One is excellent too. 3 is my least favorite because I'm really not a western fan.


I enjoyed all three of them, but always felt the second kind of felt like a connection between the first one and the third one.

It felt like the only reason they went into the future was because they had to tie up the ending to the first one. Then they had a To Be Continued at the end of it to lead into the third movie.

The first one and the third one feel more like stand-a-lone films than the second one, which feels like a bridge between two movies.

Still enjoyable though.


Absolutely better than II. Gives the original a run for its money.


check out the original theatrical trailers to these movies, they include parts not featured in the finished releases, for example michael j fox dressing up as a sister in the part 2. i understand some doesn't get as entertained by this because i guess a common feeling is finding westerns a bit of a drag, but this is hardly a strict old western at all, but i get it, westerns can have a dull feel to them, of course there are many i have enjoyed, but you need some patience to get into them, though modern western movies look insane since there aren't actors anymore to fit the parts, the cast appears as coming straight out of a teen pop award and their cowboy hats about to fall over their faces, there are some 1990's westerns that are good though, but i think they should pretty much have put an end to that genre after then, i did enjoy the spoof "a million ways to die in the west" though by the creators of "family guy", and there of course emmet brown from this makes a cameo, as superior according to many this third part is, i admit it's easier to re watch the first, i guess because this has that western vibe.

🗓 🎸 🌩 🏫 🕰 🚘 🏃‍ 🤠 📆 🐕 📅

sunny heat wave,
cause you stayed all day,
golden rays chased dark clouds away,
tryin to cool off as temperature tick tock,
but into earth i melted rollin around,
cause in the evenin sun didnt go down.


III is probably my favorite in the entire franchise, because I love Doc's and Clara's story. I know I'm in the minority about this though.


this one is my second favourite and Part II is my least favourite


I like all three. I think however that first one is the best but I like really this trilogy


I agree.
