MovieChat Forums > Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989) Discussion > They Should've Just Stopped After HALLOW...

They Should've Just Stopped After HALLOWEEN 2

Because this movie is simply God awful in every way, right down to such a simple story about an escaped mental patient who's all of a sudden supernatural now and it never should've made it this far..


Could have been better but I thought the moments with Loomis and the fun halloween atmosphere made up for the rest. I thought two was boring, and blah.


Why am I not surprised? Your idiotic political posts would extend also to poor business and cultural decisions, along with a dictatorial attitude. I can't imagine what makes people think they need to shit on a franchise that they obviously don't take to in the first place. I lost interest in the Rocky films after 4, and now there are twice as many. Good on Stallone! I wish him the best. It never occurred to me to trash them.

Folks have always been clamouring for more of these movies, and more Michael Myers in particular. This is the money train of Trancas/Compass Int'l Pictures. They tried something different with III while maintaining the spirit of the Halloween season, and while still laying out a groundbreaking horror story, it didn't quite take off. So, they listened to the market... brought back the horror icon and successfully competed with the other famous properties lead by Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees.

All the films have something to offer and the series evolved beautifully and continued to thrive up to the current day. The new trilogy was a phenomenon, and a Haddonfield limited television series in currently in the works, which will offer an opportunity to bring back previous directors/filmmakers and fan favorite cast members such as Danielle Harris, Ellie Cornell and Wendy Kaplan who all have their own cult following in the convention scene. I hope to see Lance Guest and Pamela Susan Shoop again, too, in an alternate timeline.

The "simple story" has more to it than you acknowledge, with each entry having something new to offer. The original was the babysitting murders with the supernatural twist ending, then we had the brilliant hospital setpiece in II, unrelated III have the druid cults which was incorporated in the origin angle of Smith's Grove Sanitarium in 6. 4 had that power outage and trapped claustaphobic feeling as well as great trick-or-treating scenes with was overlooked in previous entries. 5, this one (my favorite) brought an old-school Victorian gothic horror feel with it's European director. 5 also contained farm house and barn locales, which fit in with the Midwest harvest season vibe, a new first with fun new characters living it up with Halloween parties and sexy adult costumes which were previously overlooked. Also, Loomis was at his best in 5, fully embracing his nemesis (Capt. Ahab after his Moby Dick) role, and chewing the scenery with one of the most memorable performances I've ever seen in horror. Donald Pleasance is truly a 20th Century iconic character actor.

All and all, you need every entry to bring out the fullness of everything the Halloween season has to offer. I didn't care much for the H20/Resurrection fan fiction, or the Rob Zombie white-trash fests, but everything else is part of American folklore.

If you don't like the supernatural horror aspect, then move along please. Because it existed from the very beginning with it's fascinating "boogeyman" twist.


Ok, I made it to this Novel of a reply at this part and stopped reading:

"Folks have always been clamoring for more of these movies, and more Michael Myers in particular."

No.. No they haven't especially after what Blumhouse did to them along with DGG.. They sucked and should've been left well enough alone like the dumb EXORCIST Reboot.. You're a teenager who loves this shit and before you say you're an adult, that's bullshit also because no grown adult I know is clamoring for more Halloween movies


I’m 42. I love autumn. I love candy. I love theatricality. I love Halloween. I love horror. I love nostalgia. I love imaginative stories. Concise and to the point enough for you?

That’s the audience who keeps coming back for more—whether teens or seniors.

Besides, the kids today would find Halloween 5 too tame and slow-paced probably, and would have more difficulty relating to young characters from prior generations.


No senior I know would waste their time with this tripe, No one


Nonsense. People watch the scary horror they grew up with in their youth. Once I am a senior, I will continue to revisit the Halloween series just as seniors today may get a kick out of some Vincent Price horror, or Christopher Lee as Dracula or something.


Yeah, but see, the Vincent Price or Christopher Lee Horror movies were well done and worth revisiting


Agree although I do like Halloween 3 for its originality.

I think all of the sequels post H3 are garbage.


The original intention of the Halloween franchise was to have each movie explore a different theme related to the holiday. Halloween III was supposed to be the first of those. Unfortunately, fans complained because it wasn't Michael Myers (although he was seen it it) so the producers caved.


Carpenter said they should have stopped after the first one.

Producers forced him to make the second one and he killed off Myers and Loomis to put an end to the franchise.

But it was sold to other producers years later and Myers and Loomis were brought back with no explanation of how they survived.

They’ve basically remade the same movie over and over ever since.


I mean, for years and I mean YEARS I have questioned how anyone could've survived such a massive explosion with Myers body completely engulfed in flames, then he collapses, and it shows smoke coming through the eyelets on his mask indicating he pretty much burned alive and was dead?? 🤔
