McLane is a horndog

The stewardess, the girl at the airport and just walking about, McLane can't keep his eyes from wandering. A real republican pig that McLane.


Well look at the clock, it's time to take your meds sweetie!


You really think that only republican politicians have sex with lots of women? That Democrat politicians don't? I am not trying to start a pro republican argument. I am just saying both sides are guilty of it.


I seem to remember a Democrat named Bill Clinton. Shagged everything with a hole in it, including, it's becoming more clear, things less than eighteen years old.


"sex with lots of women".... and that's a bad thing lol?


Personally I think it's wrong. You should only ever have sex with the special woman/man you want to spend the rest of your life with.


1- He's just looking, nothing wrong with wandering eyes. Eyes are made for looking
2- Why insult him with the republican label? I think he would probably be a republican, especially in the 80s, but I don't see how that would be appropriate about his "wandering eyes".
3- He's certainly not a pig, he loves his wife and does miracles to save her. Never seemed to be interested in other women (even though they are separated at that moment)


Burgardoig: What difference does political affiliation have to do with the airport scene.....or any scene in this movie? John did what any NORMAL man would've done! He saw an attractive woman and took a look at her. The lady didn't help matters by dressing sexy and squealing louder than Ned Beatty did in Deliverance. Understand? Great, now you can go back to jacking off to pictures of Obama...


I like Fleabag but Obama doesn't do it for me. The girl at the airport? Sure, she's a playmate. But that does not change the fact that McLane is a horndog and a republican.


Gettun it dun



he clearly did not bang any of those ladies you listed OP... bad observation.

you'd make a poor copper ; )


It was the 80's. It was different times.

Back then it was okay to be republican and stare at women.


Not just the 80's, it's the way it's always been.


This is so dumb. ALL living males are horndogs. Pretending not to be, or getting legislation to make it illegal isn't going to change the facts of reality, the facts of life.

Why can't we just admit the way reality really is and live it normal? We're the dumbest species on the planet.


Dumb? Just stating facts.


They're not "facts".... get your head out of your liberal ass. Not everybody agrees with your philosophies. Here's the facts: Humans(male and female) in general are horndogs, it's called.... a sex drive/human nature! Get over it. Study a human sexuality book and quit being such a sexually neurotic prude. You seriously think women don't look at men as sexual objects like men do with hot women? Man, the feminists have got you on a short leash lol. Do you enjoy soy?


I'm talking about manners, not about lust or sexuality. And prude? You're calling a European

Well mannered would be adult behaviour. McLane however is rubbernecking like some teenager.



Well I'll just conclude that you're young and leave discussing this topic at that.



I won't insult you. But you made the whole post to be controversial and it is not. Just to modern directionless snowflake types who think BEING HUMAN is some how a violation of respect and manners. THAT is the part that is wrong. This is why people are jumping on this. EVERYONE is tires of this pointless $#!t to the degree it is time we stand up and speak for common sense and reason.

Won't even bother with the "replublican" part, everyone gave you enough deserved crap for that. I assume "democrate" works towards a zero sex society? :) (I'm not in any party)

FACT is, no one knows if John M IS a horndog because that part of the story never develops.



Are insults all you have? Grow up, please.

