MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > Laurie,John Goodman, the kids,the crew e...

Laurie,John Goodman, the kids,the crew etc.. are the real victims not Roseanne Barr

Roseanne deserves what she got, no doubt about it but man it really suck for the rest of the talented cast! In all fairness Roseanne was the weakest actor in the reboot and the highlights were every time Laurie Metcalf was on screen. I understand making roseanne without roseanne is a hard thing, look at "10 simple rules" after John Ritter's death as prime example, however I would love them to take the entire cast minus roseanne and create something new and completely unrelated to Roseanne.



Yeah we should get #savetheconners trending! Maybe a Jackie spinnoff ?


Cast and crew suffers, but the fans who watched and enjoyed the show, suffer the most.


Yeah but they did loose their jobs :( Sarah, John and Laurie will be fine but Michael Fishman, the child actors , the crew etc.. they loose a lot more than us as viewers ... They went from a high of being in the highest rated show on TV to having it be taken away by roseanne in a heart beat...Very unfair for them..


Yeah, it just sucks all around. I had a feeling that somehow Rosanne would screw up the good thing they all had. Very sad.


Yeah I was happy the show was back but I was on the edge of my seat waiting for Roseanne to do something extremely stupid that will ruin everything...At lease they do not have this problem in Fuller House


I don't watch Fuller House. I chose to like a show with a crazy woman who doesn't know how to shut her mouth. I wonder if the cast had fears she would go off the rails too.


Different prompt, but, same effect on "the kids,the crew etc." as when John Ritter died of that heart attack in the middle of that show he was boss of.

Barr figured if she apologized once, then twice that she'd get offin' the spot, like that barrel a shit Behar of that View got off with an apology.



Of course you're right--they ARE the victims. It shocks and sickens me that people--MANY people--are actually taking Roseanne's side, calling HER the victim, and treating the other cast as if THEY are the bad guys.

This Trump love is mystifying. The Trumpers seem to allow their love for Trump overshadow everything--including logic, reason and morality.


It breaks my heart that she actually called off Sarah Gilbert and Michael Fisherman for writing their tweet to speak against her comment. She said to Fisherman that he threw off a bus, a short while after Fisherman say he was quitting Twitter. This is really sad. She should put herself at their place. Sarah Gilbert is married to a black woman, what exactly did she think her reaction would be? I hope Sarah will work on something to savage the rest of the cast for a future project. Laurie Metcalf was personally my main reason for watching the show. I completely understand why the rest of the cast and crew would be mad at her, I would!


It's not so mystifying if you look at it like fan love. Superfans are a bit like that.
