MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) Discussion > is there an episode where data gets cut ...

is there an episode where data gets cut in half?

I remember his blood being a milky green or blue from when I was a kid.

Is there an episode where he gets body parts cut off and needs repaired?
like robocop gets cut in half i think in the second one...

am I imagining this episode or did it really happen?


I don't think so, plus he didn't have blood.


That's not Data but it does sound familiar. Maybe a different old scifi show.


You're thinking of the android Bishop from Aliens. His body was torn apart by the Queen at the end. The damage didn't kill him. But his android 'blood' was milky white.

Data's head was blown off in a two part time travel episode. And he was blown to bits in Star Trek Nemesis. But he was never cut in half. And he had no 'blood.' His body was all circuitry. Whereas the androids in the Alien universe are presented as being synthetic humans with more bio-organic mechanized parts. The white blood is just a liquid latex that lubricates the inside of the android.


yeah, sounds familiar thanks

what season is the time travel episodes where he gets his head blown off? is that the last episodes finale of the last season with the anomaly?


No. Its called Time's Arrow. The two parter bridged season 5 and 6.


A great, GREAT story, Time's Arrow. Yes, including Mark Twain and his nasally whooping voice.


I loved his "A werewolf!" exclamation when he saw Worf the first time.


His head gets removed a few times and maby an arm or two taken off but he never gets cut in half. When he is taken apart he doesn't really bleed either. His parts are usually dry when taken apart. Most of his parts are independent and seem to use fiber optic typeish mechanisms to communicate with the rest of his body. IE we never see any indication that data is filled with fluid of any kind even though we expect him to be at least lubricated on his joints.

Perhaps your thinking of bishop from Aliens which is also a product of the mid to late 80s.
