Favorite story?

I do like all of them, but if I had to pick one, I'd say, Quitters Inc.
I just love James Woods in practically everything I have seen him in. I know how hard it is to quit smoking too. This method is a bit extreme!




"The Ledge."


I thought Robert Hayes was great in this one. I even enjoy the humor, such as it was. The cat was the star of the show. I loved the way he could hiss.
I am a cat person. One at a time though. The first one we had for 17 years. The second we had for 9. She passed away two months ago. We just adopted our Charlie a few weeks back.


I haven't seen this in quite a while (sorry) but Quitters has always stood out in my mind.

I will agree James Woods is memorable in all the movies I have seen him in.
Back in the day he was one of my favorites.


I like him because he can be so sweet like the man he played in Immediate Family and then he can play a real sleaze..... Casino comes to mind. He is just so good!

the other stories were good too. The Ledge was very suspenseful. Robert Hayes was a tennis bum who was planning to run off with a gangster's wife.

I don't remember the title of the one about the little girl, Drew Barrymore, who wanted to keep the cat. That troll was keeping her up nights! LOL!


The next time this movie comes on I will watch it again

I saw Immediate Family in the theater. Loved him in Bill W., Onion Field, Salvador, Indictment.
So many good performances.

Trolls often have that effect on people. As we all know.


What are some great anthology movies?


I actually recently watched Quartet which I really liked.

Sin City
3 Extremes
Night on Earth
Mystery Train

These are first ones that came to me.


James Woods is one of the very few actors who can shine even in a terrible movie.
Not that Cat’s Eye was bad, but Cop and a few other stinkers were. But he was still memorable.


Quitter's Inc
Then The Ledge
Then the monster in the wall one.

Was there any more in this movie? It's been so long since I've seen it.


No just the 3 i think , its been at least 25years for me though ...
