Huge plot hole

So this film is a sequel to the original, so we can ignore all the other films beforehand.But in the original, Godzilla was fully disenegrated when he dies. He was bare bones. How can he return fully intact?


As a wise creature once said "There is another."


That is where this film totally messed up, having Raymond Burr's character say that they never found any corpse when it is plain that there was skeletal remains anyone would have found. In my opinion, the makers of this film should go back and take out that line. Even the description of this movie says it is a new Godzilla.


Go back and look in the original movie-- Godzilla's bones disintegrate as well.


You're right. The bones did disintegrate. But they still messed up by making this Godzilla look so different and not giving an explanation of why it looks so different. Wouldn't reporter Steve Martin have been told by Ogata that Godzilla was totally destroyed, including the skeleton?


"But they still messed up by making this Godzilla look so different and not giving an explanation of why it looks so different."

They don't play that game and have never played that game. Godzilla has looked wildly different from movie to movie and there's no in-universe reason for it nor should you think there is. In "The Making of GODZILLA" ['84], they show how Godzilla was designed to be sort of a cross between the 1954 and 1964 Godzilla designs. But Godzilla looking different is not something you're supposed to be hung up on.

"Wouldn't reporter Steve Martin have been told by Ogata that Godzilla was totally destroyed, including the skeleton?"

Considering Ogata was on board the ship with Steve Martin when Godzilla died, he wouldn't know that either.


Until Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster Godzilla had basically the same appearance in the movies. Minor changes are fine, but not major ones if he is supposed to be the same Godzilla from King of the Monsters. Ogata had been told by Emiko and I'm sure Dr. Sarizawa would have told him that the Oxygen Destroyer would totally destroy Godzilla and I'm sure Ogata would have told Steve Martin.


The 1955 sequel to the original movie called "Godzilla Raids Again" explains that there is another Godzilla creature.


Ok but this movie describes the events from the original Godzilla movie, and not that of Godzilla raids again. We will just put this off as a plot hole and move on


Different Godzilla.


Somehow, Palpatine has returned.


Thats totally different. Godzilla is not a sith lord and once his bones disintegrated, he cannot come back compared to the sith tricks Palpatine does to stay alive


It's not different, though. It was mentioned in a deleted scene from the 1989 German-only laserdisc release that Godzilla is, in fact, a Sith Lord.


Godzilla knew the dark side of the force?
