Incessant smoking

Basically all characters are constantly chain-smoking. Perhaps understandable if it was a 50s thriller but in an 80s kids movie there must have been some point to it or a gag. Was it to do with a smoking ban being discussed in New York at the time?

"We fell in love. I fell in love - she just stood there." /


You know what's weird?

The one actor that DOESN'T smoke in the movie is the first one that died in real life.


We should all start smoking, immediately!

Kerbal Space Program:
Failure is not an option. It's a requirement!


This was not written for, or aimed at, kids under 16.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Simpson--" - Frank Grimes


No, smoking was actually pretty typical in movies up to the mid 80s; it wasn't really taboo back then like it is now. Besides, as others pointed out, this movie was comedic but wasn't really a "kid's movie."

Similar to how "The Mask" was a hit with kids in the early 90s (which also featured a good amount of smoking) and went on to become a kid's cartoon. The original comic for the movie is actually very dark and and somewhat gruesome; definitely not aimed at children.





I love how the OP never even came back to the thread. Seriously though, did you live in the 80's? A lot more people smoked back then then they do now. It was pretty widespread. And seriously, what about this movie was for kids?

dies ist meine unterschrift


Much more so in the 60s, but then even now they do, espeically in the Southern USA, even in modern settings..what about the World Trade Center still being there..maybe IT should be removed ha ha.


I agree it added a nice touch. I always liked how Ray was smoking while working on the hearse. Also later when Ray and Winston are smoking while Egon gives his Twinkie speech.

What do you say, you dumb bitch?


Yes, it was ridiculous!


More people smoked in the 80s. There's really nothing to complain about knowing that its product of its time.
