Incessant smoking

Basically all characters are constantly chain-smoking. Perhaps understandable if it was a 50s thriller but in an 80s kids movie there must have been some point to it or a gag. Was it to do with a smoking ban being discussed in New York at the time?

"We fell in love. I fell in love - she just stood there." /


But everybody is okay with people getting drunk in movies even though alcohol is much more destructive than tobacco because it has psychological effects that lead to DUI and broken families. You can smoke two packs a day and you won't lose your mind or stop functioning as a human being.


But you could end up with lung cancer later in life.



Your film gods: Lee Van Cleef and Laura Gemser


You can smoke two packs a day and you won't lose your mind or stop functioning as a human being.

You can lose your mind and most certainly can stop functioning as a human being.

1.Cases of COPD from smoking are skyrocketing. My mother has it from years of being a smoker.

2.Emphysema is almost guaranteed for EVERY smoker.

3. Cigarettes are LOADED with toxins. You cannot tell me this does not affect one's mind.

Cigarettes are always addictive if you smoke. Drinking is not. Only if you drink to excess for a very long time.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I hate to break this to you, but we are ALL going to die of one here gets out alive.

I never heard of someone being impaired and crashing their car after smoking several Marlboros.

Never heard of someone having a "three cigarette lunch" and being unable to function or think clearly the rest of the work day.

I also never heard of anyone being called a "Mean Smoker" and getting violent and slapping around their spouse and children after smoking a pack of cigarettes.

I guess you never heard of alcoholism? Alcohol is a poison, that's why it alters people's behavior, and why drinking too much of it over a short period of time will kill you. A hangover is the body's reaction to trying to either process and/or expel the poison from the body.


I loath smoking, but those are still excellent points.

I wonder if the producers received money to show smoking. Sylvester Stallone received money from a tobacco company to show smoking in his movies.


Hello idiot. This was not a kids movie! The cartoon was made for kids and due to its popularity the studios ordered that the sequel was more family friendly. The sequel was funny in places, but as a result of the studios demands it was about 200 steps down from the original adult comedy.



I think it was used a lot in the 80's for atmosphere. It wasn't the idea of portraying people smoking, but the actual smoke in the air. Almost like a free smoke machine, but with a reason for being there.

The same thing was done in the movie Aliens. The presence of smoke in the air gave a free ambiance, grittiness, and realism to the scene. All it took was a pack of cigarettes.

Nowadays, we look at the message portrayed by it a little more seriously.


Nowadays, we look at the message portrayed by it a little more seriously

Right, nowadays so many movie's message deals with violent dismemberment, drunken mayhem, hilarious anal penetration by all manners of animals and devices, real debasement and inhumane behavior...but thank GOD there's no smoking!


I don't think you know what chain smoking is.



Knowing what I know about performers in that era, smoking cigarettes is one of the better things you could of shown them doing. :)


As opposed to performers today?


I am actually glad I live in a state that has banned smoking in public places. Even in the non smoking section the cigarette smoke could be smelled all over the restaurant.

Green Goblin is great!


Yes, Ray f*!%ing a ghost in the mouth is definite proof that this wasn't aimed for kids.


I'll be glad when they ban crying and screaming children and morons that carry on conversations that can be heard 50 feet away.


